2|Cirinus muto

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I stare at myself in the mirror sighing.

I fix my green tie grabbing my slytherin robe and slinging it over my shoulder before grabbing Ash's arm and dragging her to the hall for breakfast.

I hurried to my usual seat draping my robe over the chair and sitting on it. Chris raised a brow.

"It's hot." I explained and he chuckled shaking his head.

I look across the hall to see Harry Ron and another girl with frizzy hair laughing.

I frown. Harry sees me staring and smiles awkwardly. I mentally kick myself for staring and quickly look down.

I have some bread drowning it with milk. I half listen to what Ash is saying smiling and nodding whenever necessary.

"And did you hear? Famous Harry Potter is here," She scoffs "bloody bastard I hate him already. Look at him getting all the attention and almost every bloody proffesor likes him for a bloody scar. I could carve a bloody bolt on my forehead but get no bloody attention."

I chuckle faking a cough when she snapps her head at me glaring. I clear my throat stopping myself from laughing.

"So true.." I nod faking seriousness. I clear my throat forcing the laugh threatening to surface down my throat

"He was raised by muggles what harm could he possibly do. And when the proffesor's see how useless he is they'll lose interest." I shrug

"What's our schedule?" I ask

"Slytherins have transfiguration with the gryffindors. Then potions with hufflepuffs. Then defense against the dark arts with the gryffindors. Charms with ravenclaws. Flying lessons with gryffindors. Care for magical creatures with hufflepuffs." I nod trying to remember everything she said.

"Transfiguration. I love transfiguration." I grin widely

"I love charms." Ash says

"Care for magical creatures here." Chris raises his hand. We turn to draco.

"Potions." He mutters.


I hurry to class taking a seat just before proffesor Mcgonagall comes in

Mcgonagall looks around the classroom "who can tell me what transfiguration is exactly?"

I quickly raise my hand. "Yes mis Blake?"

"It's a branch of magic that focuses on the alteration of the form or appearance of an object by alteration of the objects molecular structure." I say

"Very good. And who can tell me what flintifores d-" I raise my hand again


"It transforms objects into a matchbox."

"And cirinus muto?"

"Transforms the color and style of the casters hair."


"Bonds two objects."


"Conjures a cursed fiery rope."


"Vanishes things."


"Duplicates objects." I say and she nods.

"Good job." The class stares at me and I shrugg. I didn't have much to do at home so I spend my time reading. Apparently transfiguration is what interested me most.

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