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I stop in front of the wall that separates me from a new magical world. I turn around smiling calmly at my parents hiding my exitment.

My father nods his blue eyes cold. I gulp nodding slightly back. That was our goodbye. My father never showed emotion. But I knew he loved me.

I turned to my mother. The poised woman who had a smile that could melt hearts and a glare that could turn one into stone. She smiled slightly, patting my back.

My smile returned but only a small one. I saw a family to my right hugging before a girl ran into the wall. I looked up at my mother wanting to hug her but knowing better than that.

I nodded turning around and gripping my trolly tightly and running into the wall. Once I was out of the darkness I gasped looking around.

A grin finally broke as I marveled on the train that was supposed to take me to the magical place called hogwarts. I bite my lip shaking the feeling off and copying my mother's poise acting unimpressed. Acting as though this train wasn't the way to hogwarts.

I still couldn't get it right. I never could. My mother held that poise that made you fear her every move. But I still try. I won't stop trying to make them proud.

I boarded the train looking around for an empty compartment. A bored look was plastered across my face as I passed compartment after compartment until I find one with a dark haired boy in it. He was alone.

I opened the door clearing my throat. His head snapped towards me and the first thing I noticed were his emerald green eyes.

"Is anyone...?" I ask gesturing to the empty seats. He shakes his head at my unfinished question and grins.

"It's just me," he gestures to the seats around him, an unspoken invitation.

I nod muttering a thank you as I take a seat across from him. And that's when I noticed the scar.

I heard my parents muttering things about a boy who lived and other things I didn't quite understand. I also heard something about him living with his aunt and uncle after his parents were murdered.

But I wouldn't tell him that I know that. "My names Harry. Harry potter."

He says and I snap out of my thoughts.

I know

"Vhalerie Blake." I say reminding myself that he probably doesn't know me since he lived with muggles.

He grinned and I smiled slightly, his smile contagious.

A red head popped his head in.

"D-do you mind...? Everywhere else is full..." he says to harry not noticing me.

Harry glances at me and I nod slightly. He turns to the red head smiling. "Sure."

He enters taking a seat next to me finally taking note of my presence.

"Oh.. h-hi." He says and I nod turning away and staring out of the window watching the colors blur by as the train gers moving.

"Uh my name is Harry Potter."

"Wait... Harry Potter... With the..." A pause.

"Wicked..." I turn to see Harry pushing his hair back revealing a lightning bolt shaped scar.

"Im Ron. Ron Weasly." He says and I turn back to the window. I feel two pairs of eyes on me.

"Vhalerie Blake." I mutter

"Anything from the trolly?" I hear the trolly witch holler stopping at our door

"Anything from he trolly dears?" I watch as Harry gets loads of different sweets and treats.

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