Chapter 1: The beach house

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My day started with birds chirping that lovely song they always sing. I open the window and smell the fresh air from the ocean and the trees. I walk into the kitchen where a lot of chatter is going on. I see Mia talking with some friends she met in Harvard. While some band friends I met while on tour, are fighting over who gets the last pancake. I couldn't help but smile and giggle at the site of everyone. Mia walks up to me and asks, "What's so funny?" I replied "Oh nothing." Then I peck her on the forehead and put my hand over her shoulder. "I guess I'm late to breakfast!" I exclaim. My friend Mike reply's "You snooze you lose." I get a bite to eat and we clean up the mess and go outside to enjoy the beach. I tell them to go on without me and I enter my room. I rummage through my stack of clothes searching for the treasure hidden below it. I hear a clink and know that I've found it, the ring I'm going to use to propose to Mia. Just feeling the cold metal of the ring made my heart pound. I couldn't believe I might marry the women of my dreams. As I stare at the perfection resting in my hand an unexpected visitor enters the house looking for me. I was worried that I might lose it because I lost the case to it and I didn't have anything to store it in without it being suspicious. I was so entranced at the sight I didn't hear someone nearing to the door. And I hear a loud *fwoosh* and a familiar voice say "Adam are you in here?" Thinking it was Mia I drop the ring in fear and look up. But to my relief it was just Emily, Mia's friend. Seeing my engagement ring she gave me a filthy smirk. Embarrassed I hide the ring behind my back and brush past her. My heart was beating a million beats a second and just kept getting faster the closer to Mia that I got. Soon I was in yelling range of Mia and I felt like I was going to pass out. I see Mia is on the phone with her hand over her mouth and her friends are surrounding her. Then duddenly Mia drops to her knees and I see a single tear drop, another one, then two more and soon a waterfall pours out of Mia's bright blue eyes. Short afterwards I hear sobbing, yelling and screaming. I drop the ring knowing that marriage isn't going to happen anytime soon. I run to her aid, I lift her head up. She stares at me with an ocean in her eyes and a quivering lip. She burys her face in my chest, soaking my shirt but that was the last of my worries. My first worrying question was "What do I do?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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