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Jane's POV

F*ck! Why does this always happen!? We've been kicked out AGAIN! from Jordan high. This is the 4th time we've been kicked out of school, it's self-evident who's at fault

The one who painted the walls black at the canteen and even wrote our names. Look, she's even smirking! I am so pissed

"What are you smiling at genius" I glare at her

"Nothing really, I'm just really glad you accompanied me from being kicked out of school hmmm I wonder why" holding her chin as if she was thinking, I sighed in frustration and rolled my eyes

"Shut up Ana! My Dad is going to kill me!" I yelled at her

"Fine! I'm sorry okay? I just wanna get out of that crappy school" She replied in a complaining tone

We are currently hanging out in Maegan's room, she is talking about how we are going to bring this up to our parents because I swear to f*cking hell, we are going to get killed

And let me tell you this, we ran out of plans and already used them up the last time we got kicked out so we ended up talking about future missions we might want to accomplish, I know, very productive right? 

The four of us almost jumped out of shock when the door flung open revealing our parents fuming in anger 

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE AGAIN!!!!!" well here goes nothing

"Wait we can explain," Abigail utters

"Shut it" Her dad cuts her off

"EXPLAIN THIS!" Ana's mom throws a piece of paper

(Our names)

We just stared at the paper blankly already knowing it was about the suspension

"Since the four of you are so consistent in being undisciplined brats, we might as well send you to Oxford Academy" Ana's dad stated

"Oxford Academy?" we asked in confusion

It sounds awfully familiar

"It's the only college that doesn't believe in suspension, plus, their facilities are very strict. I don't see how any of you girls can create trouble there" he explains 

I think I have an idea what kind of school this is

"Now pack your things, you're leaving today," my father said and left the room, what a caring father, really


We've arrived after a long-ass drive, we're currently standing in front of the huge campus

"Hi ladies, you should be the new students here?" a young girl with green eyes and blue hair appeared out of nowhere

First of all, blue hair? that's allowed here? might as well just dye my hair rainbow

"Yeah, we were wondering if you could tell us where our room is," I replied like I wasn't just discriminating her

I was joking by the way, don't cancel me

"Right this way" she started walking

We followed behind her, we're walking through a dim hallway which seems to replicate the settings in a regal horror movie

There are also 5 men that looked like butlers that are carrying our luggage, talk about regal

After minutes of walking, we stopped in front of a black colored door, 

a nice color choice, I already like this school

"Here are the keys to your dorm, if you lose them, just go to the
Room services to get the duplicate" she gave us the key and left

It's a Sunday, tomorrow should be our first day

Well, Good luck to us

Hello, Oxford Academy

Oxford Academy | School for Mafia (On Going)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ