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It was around 3am, the party had finally ended. I laid my head on Hoseoks chest. I asked him to stay the night, I needed someone to comfort me. We laid there in silence for a while until Hoseok spoke up. "Sorry again, I shouldn't have asked, I ruined your night".

I looked up at Hoseok, his almond eyes starring back into mine, I could hear his heartbeat fasten. I sat up, I should explain everything since he saw already saw me burst into tears earlier. I sighed and took Hoeok's hand into mine.

"M-my father, he used to abuse my mother and I, it was when I was very young, h-he would burn out his cigarettes on my chest, he-", Hoseok wrapped his arms around me, and once again I began to sob like the weakling I am.

"Yoongi, you don't have to tell me anything, if it makes you sad to talk about your past then you don't need to talk about it".

I backed up a bit from the hug to look at him, I cupped his face with both of my hands. His skin was soft and smooth, I starred into his eyes, I once again got lost starring into them. it felt like the world around us was gone, it's like I wasn't on earth anymore. Our faces now centimeters apart, I could feel his hot breath against my lips. I couldn't control myself, I closed the space between us, feeling his hands slide down to hold my waist as I straddled him, this is what I needed, I have found another way to forget, I have found someone to take away the pain.

It had been a week since the situation between Hoseok and I happened, and I have nit been okay, I feel empty, alone, I'm scarred. Hoseok being the reason why I feel like this, he hasn't talked to me since the party, I feel like I'm falling into a deeper hole, just when I thought I found a source of a little happiness, it just ends up leaving. Of course, how could someone like Hoseok be interested in someone like me. I want to talk to Hoesok, but he seems like he doesn't want to talk to me, does he hate me, was I that bad?

I grabbed my belonging and left the classroom, I know it was the middle of class but I couldn't take this place anymore, I cant be here, I want to be alone, I hate being alone but sometimes it's a good thing, now no one has to deal with me, a depressed piece of shit who can't properly bottle in emotions.

I got home and threw my things onto the floor, every room in my house was dark just how I like it. I'm finally alone, that's a good thing right? Now no one can hurt me, I'm happy right? this is what happiness feels like?...I hate it. What the hell did Hoseok do to me, I want him back, I need him, I just wan to look at him and admire his beauty. His smile, thin soft lips, his bigger figure hugging me, and telling me it's going to be okay. Hoseok is going to be the end of me.


SORRY, I know it's a really short chapter but I want to start the next part on the next chapter, hope you guys at least enjoyed this, make sure to vote and comment to give me feedback!

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