Happy Birthday

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One year later

"Justin wake up!" i yelled, nudging him off of the bed. "No, i dont want to get up just leave me alone." He said pulling the blanket over his head. "fine im just going to go celebrate my sons first birthday, at the party that his father planned." i said, getting up to get Conor from his crib. "Im coming." Justin yelling running to catch up with me. "Happy birthday baby." We both said giving Conor kisses on the cheek. Yesterday, Conor said his first word, Aye. I wasnt that suprised figuring who his father is.

one hour ater

"Happy Birthday dear conor. happy brithday to you." we all sang as conor attempted to blow out his candles. Ryan, Caitlin, and their twins, Luke and Julia, along with Pattie and my parents came to celebrate conors birthday. Last week we celebrated Ryan and Caitlin's twins birthday. "Bye guys thanks for coming." i said as everyone left. "Conor its time for a nap." I said picking him up and putting him in his crib. I have been thinking about my relationship with Justin. If we continued to have a strong relationship, i would consider marrying him. He is the father of my child, and i do love him with all my heart.  slowly closed his bedroom door, and went into my room to see justin laying on the bed on his phone.


I saw y/n walk in the room, and she walked right up to me, and layed right on top of me. "Justin we need to talk." She said sitting on my lap as I sat up. "Whats up?" I asked, not really sure of what she wanted to talk about. "Well, um- ijustthinkweshouldgiveconoranothersibling, dont you?" she said, talking really fastly. "Wait say that slowly, i didnt get one word of it." "How about we do less talking and more-" I cut her off by standing up. "You want to have another kid, dont you?" I said, as a small smirk tugged at the end of my lips. "i just think conor should have like a brother or sister dont you?" y/n said pulling me into a hug. 

"I think we should do it." I said breaking the hug. "We should have another kid." I said kissing her forehead. "Okay, if you insist." She said taking off my shirt. Well, this is going to be a longgggggg tight... 

''''' Next Morning ''''''


I woke up feeling really nauseous, and have a really bad stomach ache. I quickly ran into our bathroom, and threw up. "Babe, you okay?" I heard Justin say as he was rubbing my back. "Good work bieber, you probably got me pregnant." i said laughing. "I mean that was my goal." he whispered in my ear. We heard Conor crying and Justin went to go and get him. "Justin im going to go to the stores, ill be back soon." I said leaving the house. 

Once I got the the store, the papz were following me everywhere. "Guys please move." I said trying to get into the store. After 10 minutes of trying to walk in, i bought three different pregnancy tests. I ran back into my car after buying them and sped home to my babies. 

"Im pregnant." I said walking out of the bathroom. Justin walked over to me and lifted up my shirt. "sup dude, or you might be a girl. I'm not  really sure. Anyways if you are a girl, you will be daddy's princess because your mommy here is daddy's queen." Justin then kissed my stomach until he started trailing up towards my neck, he then kissed me passionately on the lips. Some things never changed with him because every time we kissed, fireworks explode, and my heart races. "I'm so happy." Justin said as he kissed my nose. "me too, Justin" And from that moment, i knew he was the one. 


Omg I really want them to just get married already ......

HAHA no 

a few more chapter and then something BIG will happen.

sorry for not updating. ive been busy.... slash ive had writers block, but i finnaly came up with something good. so u will get it "soon" 


xoxo. sam

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