"You know I would do anything to save your life, but that doesn't mean it will happen."

"But Magnus it made me realize something." Alec said softly. "I can't live without you. I remember the feeling when I held your body in my arms. I was so cold. And that's not what scares me the most. I'm terrified that one of us will die and our love will mean nothing." Alec started to tremble in magnus' arms at the memory. "I need you," he whispered.

"And I need you Alexander. I'll always need you." Magnus was slowly starting to realize that Alec wasn't afraid of what he said he was, but rather he was afraid to die and be left only as a memory.

"Then marry me," Alec said suddenly. Magnus was speechless for a moment, not something that happens very often. 

"W-what?" Was all he could get out.

"Marry me." Alec said and pulled away to look him in the eyes. "I want to be bonded with you for the rest of my life and beyond. If that be a couple of days or an eternity, I want it with you. I need it with you, or my life has nothing."

Magnus blinked once. Twice. Took a deep breath. Swallowed hard. "Yes. I'll marry you."

They both erupted with smiles and grabbed each other's faces.

"I love you so much Alexander. That was one hell of a proposal. But I know what you're afraid of. You're afraid to die alone."

Alec smiled sadly and looked down. "We're all afraid of something Magnus."

"You don't have to be afraid, my love. You'll never only be a memory to me. You are my first and last true love. You are my world, my forever and always." Alec leaned forward to capture magnus' lips. He put in as much passion as he could and furrowed his brows as their tongues met in a waltz. They broke apart breathless. "Thank you," Alec whispered.

"Thank you, Alexander. But now brings to light the question of where should we go to become wedded?" Magnus asked. "We're one portal away from anywhere in the world, my love."

"I have no idea I didn't really think that far ahead. We probably shouldn't go anywhere where there's a lot of people, or Idris since you're not a Shadow hunter. Do you have anywhere in mind?" Magnus thought for a minute as he stared into Alec's eyes. He knew the perfect place, but it was going to be a difficult time for him emotionally.

"Yes," was all he said as he stood and took Alec's hand. He created the portal and before Alec could ask questions, he's pulled him through.

Alec knew exactly where they were. All his years of geographical and cultural studies made it so he could identify almost anywhere in the world. What confused him though was why they were there, considering the memories it brought back for Magnus. With a deep breath he asked, "Magnus, where are we?"

Magnus smiled grimly. "Dutch East Indies, my birth place." Alec studied his expression carefully. He looked pained yet blissful.

"But why?" He asked slowly. Magnus looked him in the eyes and smiled slightly.

"This is the first place I felt unloved, useless, horrible. This is the place my own mother and father called me a monster, a demon. I believed them." Magnus took a breath as Alec bit his lip anxiously and looked down, afraid to show Magnus his tears. "But with you, you are the first to ever make me feel loved, useful, wonderful. You make me remember that I'm not only a demon, but that I share the same blood as humans; that I'm not a monster, but a man. You made me remember what love is like and how wonderful it makes you feel. No amount of demon blood in me could ever deter the way I care for you." Magnus took a step toward alec and lifted his chin up. Alec reached up a hand to cup magnus' cheek and wipe away a stray tear as his own threatened to fall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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