02: Good-Bye Wall Maria

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"Imposable", I thought. "The wall is fifty meters tall. How?" I couldn't move my body at all. Silent's took over all of Wall Maria, including all of its families and soldiers living inside the wall. Then, the unthinkable happened...

I could hear the swift movement of the titan's feet raising in mid-air. The Colossal Titan kicked the gate of Wall Maria out of the wall, leaving a giant hole in it. The stones from the gate flow in the air, landing on hundreds of citizens. Screams could be heard from around the town. I then remembered something more important than my own thoughts. My family...

"Mom..... Dad.... Ryuu." I whispered to myself as I began to back away. "MOM. DAD. RYUU!!!" I turned around and ran as fast as a could back to my home. Eren, Armin, and Mikasa were already gone when I turned to run. I didn't care of anything else, but my family at that moment. I ran as fast as I could, coming up at my house in only a few minutes. Thankfully, my house was still standing. I turned back to the wall. Titans of all different types of shapes and sizes come pouring out of the hole in the wall, destroying houses, buildings, and people's lives. I open the door to my house and ran inside. There was no one in site.

"MOM! DAD! RYUU! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I yelled. I could feel tears drown my eyes. " PLEASE! ANYONE!" I ran throughout the whole household, finding no sign of life. It seemed like no one lived here. I ended up where I entered. " P-please..." I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. My vision started to become blurry. My knees gave out, making me fall to the floor. I cried for my family. No answer.. I finally gave up. I knew they were gone. "If I was only here," I thought, tears streaming down my face, "They would be alive. Now I'm all alone...." I laid there for what seemed to be for hours. Forever you could say. I closed my eyes and waited for death to come.

"Haku.. HAKU!!!" A voice came from above me. I didn't move at all. My body felt cold, my skin turning pale.

"HAKU!! WAKE UP!!!" The voice grow more and more by the second. I opened my eyes to find Armin.

"ARMIN!!" I sat up right and hugged him as tightly as I could. "I thought I was all alone.."

"Haku!" He hugged my back tightly. He broke the hug and looked straight into my eyes. "Haku. We must go!"

"But... What about my... my..." I couldn't finish my sentience. It was too painful for me. Armin hugged me once more, tighter than the last one. I hugged back and cried into his arms.

"Haku.... We have to leave now!" I broke the hug and tried to stand up from the floor. I was too weak.

"What's the point? I'm going to die anyways... We all are." Armin stood up, took my arms, and pulled me up from the ground.

"NO WE'RE NOT!! We're going to live on and see the outside world. A world with no worry, pain, and titans." My blood boiled at the word 'titan'. I backed away from Armin and headed toward the back door. The pain grown more and more for every step I took, but I fought back. The pain grows into anger and rage. Armin followed behind me. Once we were outside, I grabbed on to his shirt gently. It took me a while before I could speak again. My grip tightened.

"Thank you...." I softly cried. Without any warning, Armin takes a hold of my arm and pulled me behind the house.

"Don't thank me yet." A titan could be seen a few blocks down.


"Eren..?!" I ran toward the yelling. Armin ran after me, but was cut off by a five meter titan. I continued to ran forward, not looking back. I could hear him scream from behind me. I knew he was gone at that moment. Eren's screaming continued on, making me run faster by the second. Turn after turn, I finally found Eren and Mikasa.

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