Start from the beginning

+then gam gambr dpn.and make sure korang gune glue stick.kalau guna yg liquid,takot comot

kalau guna yg liquid,takot comot

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[gam kat area yg aye tanda]

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[gam kat area yg aye tanda]

+make sure korang tinggalkan space kat ats gambr utk decorate part

+make sure korang tinggalkan space kat ats gambr utk decorate part

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+pastu potong extra gambr yg terjuntai

+ok part ni enn,sape yg pnah guna jenis pembalut buku yg bergam ni akn paham(comment kalau tk fhm any part dr ats)

+ok,memula korang kena bukak slow ii pembalut tu,then terbalikkan photocard korang

+ok,memula korang kena bukak slow ii pembalut tu,then terbalikkan photocard korang

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+then slow ii cover belakang photocard tu.make sure jgn ada air bubble,nanti photocard tk lawo

make sure jgn ada air bubble,nanti photocard tk lawo

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+pastu gunting extra pembalut kat tepi.

+so this part,korang bleh kreatifkan diri and decorate ur own p.card YEAYYYY!!!!!

+korang bleh guna sharpie yg bese,tp dia akn cepat tanggal.and disebabkan aye ada wrna itam je,so aye guna 1 warna je.klau korang ada byk wrna,lg meriah~~

klau korang ada byk wrna,lg meriah~~

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khas buat BBM(huhuhuhu) PD101 VER:

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khas buat BBM(huhuhuhu) PD101 VER:

[dik samuel,cpt la debut~~akak tk sbr ni XD]

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[dik samuel,cpt la debut~~akak tk sbr ni XD]

any suggestion.question??

and sape yg tk fhm nk guna pembalut tu,comment nanti aye bg link

bye,selamat hari raya ❤ ❤

SVT next!!

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