The scales

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"Why did you break up then?" Joy asked placing a hand on her knee as a sort of comfort, but Patricia just shoved it off not wanting the sympathy offered.

"It's complicated." Patricia sighed, it sounded as if she had planned the entire scenario. "okay if it's really complicated can I just ask one question.?"She asked forcing a smile onto her face. "Sure" Patricia shrugged. "And you have to answer" Joy said almost as if in correction. Patricia internally groaned before nodding in consent. "Did you break up with him?" Joy asked in a serious tone telling Patricia that cracking a joke to get out of the question will not work, then again it never did. She visibly gulped before she hastily replied "Yes I did."

Afterwards she decided that making a smooth exit would suit her best, so she began making her way downstairs. Just as she flopped down onto the couch victor made his infamous speech forcing we to retreat to her room once again. Everybody snuggled into bed for a warm night as the summer was just passing.

Eddie and Nina stood once again in the white room but this time it was not empty. A large golden set of scales were set in the middle of the room and Anubis stood in front I them with an ostrich feather in hand. Suddenly Nina fell to the floor gasping for air and all she could hear was the mechanical laugh of Anubis himself. Before she was engulfed into darkness.

Nina awoke gasping for air and Amber was the one who came running from her bed and asked frantically "What happened?" Nina shook her head as she gulped down the water amber had brought to her side. "Just a bad dream" she whispered rolling back over as a hint for Amber to go back to bed.

Around an hour later they both trudged downstairs in their pyjamas and they sat at the table ready for Trudy's famous pancakes. Everyone eventually came in and sat in appropriate seats but when Eddie came in the only seat left was next to Patricia so he took it. The moment he sat down she got up grabbed an apple and made an exit. "Yacker wait!" he attempted but Joy stopped him with her words. "Don't. She will come around, you just have to give her time."

"I don't think we will this time" he said glumly before sinking down into his seat hoping to be ignored. When his wishes were ignored he got up and went upstairs to Patricia's room.

He knocked lightly on the door but got the usual answer from her "Go away!"

"Please just let me explain" he said basically begging now. "We really don't. Please just leave me alone" Her voice was beginning to crack.

Downstairs Nina was organising a Sibuna meeting for, well right now.

"I'll get patricia and I will see you in my room in ten, okay?" she said holding her rigid position. "Sibuna" they chorused completing the action alongside the words. On the way back to her room Nina knocked on Patricia's door and told her about the sibuna meeting.

Ten minutes later Sibuna were crowded into Nina and Ambers room. "While your all in here, I had a dream last night-"Eddie started but Patricia rudely cut him off "Didn't we all"

"Anyway" he said shooting daggers at her. "In my dream Nina and I were in front of golden scales and there was an ostrich feather on the end and then Nina just sort of collapsed" Eddie finished proud that he had remembered all the details. "I had he same dream. That's why I called the meeting." Nina said before Amber cut in. "What do the scales mean?" Everyone instantly turned to Fabian who looked way too smug. "A all of you didn't do any research, I did."

"Surprise Surprise"Patricia mumbled again eating a glare. "In the ancient Egyptians time Anubis would weigh their hearts against an ostrich feather and if the heart weighed more they would have their soul taken by Ammut."

"So if Nina or Eddies heart weighs more than some feather they just die!" Amber said using her hands to emphasise her point.

Nina was just staring into space when her eyes rolled back into her head and then closed. She fell to the floor with a loud bang.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2014 ⏰

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