chapter three

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Cassie sat beside Wells as Clarke checked over his leg. Her mother was Abby Griffon, a doctor aboard the Ark. Wells looked to Cassie as she held his leg still for Clarke. "I wanted to say thank you for before."

Cassie glanced back at him and smiled. "No problem."

Wells grimaced as Clarke twisted his leg to check the damage. Cassie patted his shoulder supportively, her other hand still resting on his leg to keep it still. "How is it?" She asked Clarke.

"He won't be doing much for a little bit, but it's not that bad." Clarke answered as she brushed her hands off on her jeans.

Cassie frowned as the boy who wasted a month of oxygen on the Ark approached them. Finn Collins had his hands in his pockets as he stopped in front of them and Cassie and Clarke climbed to their feet. "So, Mount Weather. When do we leave?"

Wells started to shake his head. "Right now." Clarke answered. She turned to Wells, a small apologetic smile on her face. "We'll be back tomorrow with food."

"How are the three of you going to carry enough food for a hundred?" Wells asked.

Cassie stared at Clarke and Finn for answers, but they all shrugged. Finn's eyes lit up as he though t of an idea. He turned his back on them and grabbed two other prisoners, who Cassie recognised as Jasper and Monty, two of her friends from the Ark. Their faces lit up at the sight of her and she ran forward, embracing the pair. They laughed as she squeezed them tight. "Good to see you too Cassie." Jasper grinned.

Finn grasped their shoulders as Cassie backed off. "Five of us. Can we go now?"

Cassie caught sight of Octavia jogging towards them with Bellamy not far behind. She smiled at Cassie. "Sounds like a party. Make it six." She linked arms with Cassie and the pair grinned at the rest of their little group. Bellamy appeared behind them and grabbed the girl's arms.
"Hey! What the hell are you two doing?"

"Going for a walk." Octavia replied.

"Trying to help." Cassie answered, folding her arms over her chest.

Clarke's eyes narrowed as she took a few steps towards them. She grabbed Finn's wrist. "Were you trying to take this off?"

Finn shrugged and looked to the others, who still had theirs on. Cassie took a step back to stand behind Octavia, her arm brushing Bellamy's. She glanced up at him, but he was listening to Clarke. "Take it off and the Ark will think you're dead."

"Should I care?" Finn retorted.

"Well, I don't know. Do you want the ones you love to think you're dead? Do you want them to follow us down here in two months? Because they won't if they think we're dying."

Cassie's gaze faltered and she opened her mouth to speak, but Bellamy grabbed her arm and pulled her away. She grumbled as he dragged her only a few yards away from the group. Bell spun her to face him and she yanked her arm away from him. "What?" She hissed.

"You're not going with them." He stated, his dark eyes locked in on hers.

"And why not?" She replied, her fists curling at her sides.

"Because I don't need to be worrying about both you and O."

"Frankly, I don't care what you need, because what we need is food." Cassie argued.

"Why are you such a pain in the ass?" Bellamy ran a hand through his greased back hair. Cassie chuckled darkly, but brushed off his comment like water off a duck's back.

"You know having your hair like that makes you look ten years older."

Bellamy scoffed and turned his attention to the sky, drawing his lip between his teeth. Cassie watched him, her emerald eyes glimmering in the sunlight.

"Please, Cas, just stay." He begged, his eyes lowering to look at her. Cassie dropped her head and let out a low breath.

"Fine." Her nose crinkled as she agreed, her gaze meeting Bell's again.

"That's my girl." Bellamy's mouth quirked up and Cassie shook her head, mumbling a string of curses under her breath. Bellamy watched as she walked away, her feet kicking at the dirt.

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