Gender shit

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Part of growing up is learnjg who and what you like and whk you are. Sp lets get it straight, unlike i am, and down the the point.

I am a demisexual, meaning i dont like you (as in love) until i have an emoshional connection to you. If i do then i may end up likeing you that way.

I am also genderfliud, meaning i have no fixed gender. I just dont give a dam to correct people anymore because ive been only called a she my full life. I rather be an it if you dont know my gender for the time being, but i wont be upset if im called a she.

Thats that, and if you read my other one i was inncorrect as i am only human. Polly lets be glad i got it all sorted out by now, as I'm only *beeps out age* and should have known  what the hell i was by now. Good luck to everypne trying to  figure out what you are, also Trump  can get over it if you bring him up. My life my choices, its not his or yours to controle.  Im goimg to sleep now. . . I hope.

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