My damaged little emo prince (boyxboy)

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I'm damaged. I'm broken. Nobody notices. I lay in my bed crying. Hurt. My friends aren't real just people I want to know. People my physical friends would like. Like Addey. Her hair wild, emo, multi-colored. Red, green, blue, blonde, black. Her eyes pierce your soul with bright red contacts. She has a gothic Lolita style. Corsets, ruffled skirts, platform boots. She's amazing in my mind.

Then there's Tay or Taylor depending on my mood. He's short, sweet, and bi-polar sometimes. He's also gay. Like I want to be sometimes. He's fun to hang out with. My friends ask to meet him most. In one of my stories he got married to a man named Jason, modeled after my real friend. Tay has the personality I want. The awesome, likable, spaztic, emo gay boy that even homophobes like. My fake best friend. There are also a number of them I've killed off because they had a chance to be discovered.

Abbey is one of the few who weren't emo. He was home-schooled and I was his only friend. He died by cuts to the thighs and arms. I could vividly see his room covered in blood as I wrote about him for the first time. The people come alive in my head. They make me feel like I have true friends that would never leave me cuz I said something weird or stupid that only I got.

I've never cut. I'd be too scared to get some deadly infection or something. Weird huh? I'm not emo. I don't dress scene or any of that. I will probably never get the guts to post this on any sites. I'm crazy and shy all at once. I'll be mean or change my mind about things if I really like you. I'm a poser, I know. Hell no one will ever think to read this most likely. I do have one thing about me though. My dreams. Vivid, bright, colorful, lovely escapes from the world that I don't belong in. I will be walking and see people in my mind. I create several different outcomes of if I told someone this or said that. I wasn't like this before though.

Kaden Prich my real only true best friend. He was outrageous, funny, kind, and true. He didn't judge me like all the other people in this world. He wanted to know who I was when I was alone. Who I wanted to be. Why I acted like I did. Music, quotes from obscure things only we knew, books we made, things we did, he was my true friend.

His life kinda sucked. He'd come see me late at night because his parents would yell. He was an insomniac. The lines from under his eyes showed the days he couldn't get out, when he couldn't sleep. I was about 12 when we met. He insisted on me saying 12 ½ whenever I would tell people about him. I guess I should tell you who I am. Riku Machi. Well that's what I tell people anyways. I hate my name and I don't use it anymore. Kaden always said it was the ugliest thing about my heart. That's why my name is Riku from the Kingdom Hearts games. Machi was just pulled out of the internet one day.

Kaden was gay. I wasn't sure at the time if I was. I'm sure now though. One day, the day I lost him, he told me he was moving. Something happened and he couldn't figure out what but he had to leave. A few weeks later he was going. I went to see him off and he dragged me into the fort behind his now empty house. He took out a knife I'm sure he wasn't allowed to have. He carved my name and his in a piece of tree bark from a side of our fort. 'NEVER FORGET ME OR YOUR REAL NAME RIKU MACHI!' he gave it to me and smiled. We walked out and before he left he kissed me. A short but meaningful kiss. He ran to the car and went away.

He held a sheet of paper to the window of the car that said 'ill always love the person who holds my heart!'. I left to go back to the fort with the piece of bark in my hands. I sat down and cried for the first time since I had meet Kaden. I looked at all our memories. He took the stuff I made for him and I kept the stuff made for me.

I looked at the bark and saw the back. 'Riku ive loved you since I saw you in the park holding that weird little notebook with the batman and my little pony stickers covering the front ha-ha the one that you gave me to look at, the one with poems in it. You were wearing your weird neon blue pants with your old 'fosters home for imaginary friends' hoodie your beat up bright pink converses. You kinda looked like a girl cuz your hair is so long, I remember you're scared of cutting it so it's like at your butt. Im gonna miss you. Remember when we became friends I kept stalking you at school. I realized that you didn't really have friends just people you talked to. I kinda hit you with your locker cuz u wouldn't stop listening to your dang hippie music ha-ha! Im gonna try to call you when I get where ever im going I promise. Try to have some friends though cuz I cant like myself if your all mopey and stuff. I wont be there for you anymore since your so far away from me so you need to find people who love you for how amazing you are. Im gonna kiss you before I go and Im gonna tell you that you're my first love and hopefully only but never forget me! Ever! Cuz I know you forget a lot. Ill miss you so much and youll always be my first for like everything so hold that with you forever.

Goodbye Riku Machi aka Josh Keshet.'

It's been about 5 years now. He hasn't called like he said he would. I read the bark scrap every night. I had it incased in glass by my parents so I wouldn't lose it. I miss him every day but I'm sure he never thinks about me anymore. Maybe we'll meet one day...

My damaged little emo prince (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now