A couple of days later, I was sitting on a bench in the park, watching Stefan playing a friendly match of football. I had finally some alone time to think. I didn't get it. Why did society thinks it's weird to not have a boyfriend, to be alone or single for longer than a couple of months? I didn't have a boyfriend, I never had one. Unless you counted the unwanted teen marriages and all that. I meant that I've never been in love with one of my companions. I looked at my fingers. There had been so much rings around that one finger but they all had meant nothing to me. I rushed my ring finger as a symbol to clean all the memories of those weddings. That time was gone. I didn't miss it, only the clothing. The dresses were so beautiful and it was much easier to decide what to wear. I looked around and almost everybody seemed to be in love or have a boyfriend. A couple was sitting on the grass, laughing and holding hands. Another boy, a couple of feet away, was flirting with a girl who obviously didn't mind it. And then , there was me, sitting alone on one of the benches. Stefan was playing a football game with the team from school and Damon was in a meeting with teachers so I needed to wait until one of them was ready. I sighed, knowing I needed to sit here for at least another hour. School had ended half an hour ago and I had been sitting here ever since. The wooden bench hurt my back and the sun was too hot so I decided to go look for a tree where I could sit in shadows. I didn't need to look for long though but someone else was already sitting on the other side. There was something very familiar about the way he was sitting, I could only see his back. After I saw the helmet, I knew it was him.
''Don't even think of trying to scare me, you know better.''
''I didn't-'' but that would be a lie. I had wanted to scare him with a smart remark. I hadn't forgotten his wolf hearing, I just hoped he was too caught up in whatever he was doing.
''Are you reading?'' I asked. It sounded more amazed than I intended.
Jake raised an eyebrow.
''What? Can't a guy just love reading? ''
''No.'' I crossed my arms. He smiled.
''You're right. I hate it, I don't get why people would do it. ''
After he closed the book, I read the front.
''Homework?'' I guessed. Jake nodded and leaned against the tree trunk, closing his eyes and apparently enjoying the sun.
''I've read it, I could tell what happened.'' I sat down too and looked to where Stefan was playing. He was busy and we sat out of sight. It'd be safe to sit down here for a while but I needed to watch the time. Damon could be back too and if he found out, it'd be worse than Stefan.
''Like you would be that nice.'' He looked into my eyes.
I shrugged and smiled, uncomfortable under his stare.
''I'm known for being nice.'' I winked.
''And I'm known for liking cats.''
I laughed.
''So that's really true? That you don't like cats? How atypical.'' I sarcastically commented.
''Well, I guess you know everything about being atypical.'' he retorted.
My smile faded. I didn't want to talk about myself. Jake looked at me, really looked, as if studying me.
''What?'' I asked, suddenly feeling awkward.
''Nothing.'' He stood up, put all his stuff in his backpack and doubted for a second what to say.
I felt sad he had to leave, it felt nice to be with him. I wanted to grab his hand or give him a hug before he went away, because I would like it but also because I didn't know when I'd see him again.
I also wanted to ask him to stay but I didn't know when Stefan would even think about me and look in my direction and see Jake and me, or when Damon 'd come back. None of those scenario's seemed good so I said goodbye and was left behind by the tree. Seeing Jake leave, I thought about our first encounter, also at a tree or rather, in a tree. How weird was it to sit in someone else's garden? Didn't that say enough about him? Why did I even enjoy spending time with him, I barely knew him. I wondered where he lived. Probably with a lot of wolves and in the woods. He must have a pack where everybody loves and knows everybody. I wondered how that would be. I also still didn't know why he had murdered someone and who that someone was. Hell, I didn't even know his last name or age. The only thing I was certain of, was the fact that he was a wolf. Maybe that was all I eventually needed to know.

"Do you think I'm weird? ''
''Except from the fact that you are as old as this town, never age and have vampire siblings? ''
''No, because I've never been in love before.''
''You've never had a boyfriend in all those years?'' Caroline asked, eyes wide in surprise and disbelief.
''I've had some, I've even been married but I was never in love. I liked some of them though.''
''You've been married?'' she thought it hard to believe because nowadays, people didn't marry this young anymore. Except for the exceptions, of course.
''So you think I'm weird. ''
Caroline laughed.
''I think you're definitely special and maybe a little weird but not because you've never been in love before. You just haven't met the right one yet, those things can't be rushed. You can look for him , or even her, you never know, but you won't find him unless it's time. And since it can take a while with some people, you better make it a good waiting time, enjoy it. Everyone finds their match sooner or later.''
''Have you found yours?'' I asked her.
She sighed.
''Not yet. I've been in a couple relationships, I loved a lot of them but it was never the one. I don't even know if I would recognize him if he walked by but I know that when you've found him, you'll know that it is him. And since I've never been a hundred percent sure, I don't think I've met him yet. ''
Maybe I hadn't found him either, even after all these years.
''Don't be so sad, you'll have me until then. '' She winked and I smiled. She was right, until then, I was happy enough with my friends and family.
''I wonder what it feels like, to be in love. People do a lot of crazy things in movies and books, I don't get how you can love someone so much that isn't family and you'd do anything for.''
Caroline shrugged and we both kept silent.

I came home, threw my backpack on the couch and took an apple out of the fridge. Rebekah, Damon and Elijah were home.
''What does love feel like?'' I asked Rebekah, which got me a surprised look from the other vampires in the house.
''I'm out.'' Damon said and left. Elijah frowned and asked me why I wanted to know. I shrugged. I told him I had been thinking about Rebekah and Michael, they seemed in love but I had no idea how it felt because I've never been in love. Elijah told me about all my weddings and I said I liked them but that I've never felt something that looked like what people described in movies or books.
''Well,'' Elijah said, ''I'll leave this to you, Rebekah.'' Where after he left too.
Rebekah smiled and gestured to sit down at the table.
''Love is truly like it is in the movies or the books. But the actual feeling of being in love is indescribable and different for everyone. In the beginning, I literally felt butterfly's in my stomach whenever I saw Michael. When we got to know each other a little better, I always almost fainted when he touched me, that's how happy I felt. I know you'll find your love one day. Just have the patience to wait long enough.''
I thanked her and because I didn't want to think about it anymore, I put my running clothes on and went for a quick run around the house. The music from my IPod was a welcome distraction.

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