"Sorry about that. Princess duties."

"Don't be," he shrugged.

"Want to dance?" I asked.

"Are we allowed to?"

"I don't see why not," I said and grabbed his hand.

We stayed off to the side, away from the gaze of my mother. The song was upbeat, so we danced a little jig that we both knew.

Both of us were breathing heavy after the song ended, but smiles on our faces nonetheless.

The next song was Silent Night, a super slow song. I linked one of our hands and held it off to the side, putting my hand on his shoulder. He did the same.

"My waist," I corrected and he slid his hands down my side to my waist, moving his fingers on the bodice of my dress.

"Not here," I mumbled. There were too many pairs of eyes to see us.

I moved his hand up a little when I felt it got too low, too romantic.

The song ended faster than I wanted it to, and we pulled apart.

"You two are wonderful together. What kingdom are you from, sir?" a party guest asked as the passed.

"Oh," I smiled, "We're not together. We were just dancing."

"I see. Wonderful job on the party, princess," the guest said and wandered back into the crowd.

More people complimented my job decorating the room. Countless guests came and introduced themselves with their fancy titles and such. I couldn't remember one of them. All I could think of is Maddon's arm muscles as I hung on to them.

He leaned down, lips dangerously close to my ear. To an outsider, it looked as if he was whispering from a normal distance away.

"They're right, you know. This party is amazing," he commented and I smiled.

"Thank you," I said and was cut off my a person walking towards me.

Mr. Buren.

"Bow," I muttered through a closed mouth. "Bow."

Maddon bent into a deep bow, looking proper.

"Princess Braelynn. I hope you had the chance to talk with my son tonight."

"I did, thank you. He was very kind as usual," I answered smoothly.

"Yes, I see. Well, I'll be off. You'll know soon enough," he said and turned the other way.

That was weird. Know what soon enough?

I shrugged and kept socializing with the guests.

Soon enough, the band was packing up and the guests were saying their goodbyes.

I couldn't wait for the party to be over so I could have some alone time with Maddon.

The last guest finally left, and I said my good nights to mother and father and headed to my bedroom with Maddon.

On the walk back, I slid my hand down his arm and grabbed his hand, lacing my fingers through his.

"Aren't you afraid someone will see?" he asked.

"No one is out here at this hour.  All the staff is in there cleaning up the party mess."

"Good," he said and swung our hands back and forth.  A giddy smile spread across my face.  I could get used to this.

Maddon has gotten so confident and expressive since the reveal.  I had thought he opened up before, but now he was showing his true colors.  He was sensual, touchy, and loving.  It was driving me insane.

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