Sukor - just one night

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Hi this is a short story n is with intimacy.

Male character
He grow up in an expensive area of Delhi n belongs to a rich family he does what he wants, when he wants n with whom he wants. His parents aren't very interested in his way of life. Most of the time his drunken n having parties with his so called friends. He is 25 years old his mother real mother died when he was 4 years old. His stepmother doesn't liked him n after she become a mother she send him to a boarding school. All he wanted was love but all the women he had in his past were only with him bcz he is rich. They wanted name n money.

He is staying at the 5 star hotel "Taj Mahal" he was celebrating the birthday of his friend. At the late hours in his drunken status he still remembered his room no. 777 for him its lucky 7.
He was back in his room he was really drunken n the best thing he could do was to take a shower to gain his sense back.

After the shower he felt refreshed. But he couldn't sleep he need something no no no he need someone. He called the hotel manager...
Hello how can I help u?
Hello it's Suraj Rajvanshi from room no. 777. U know what I want
Sir, Mr. Suraj of course please have some patient I will send any1 to.
No, not any1
I want some1 with... I don't know but she should be new. I want some1 new.
Sir, but..
I'm not asking for a virgin I'm asking for some1 I didn't used before
Fine Mr. Suraj I will send u a new girl.

Suraj looked at his watch it's 1 am  see how much time she takes. After 5-10 min he heard a very soft knock he got up from the bed n went to the door. - She is fast hope the s*x won't be -. He opened the door n there she was the girl from the party the new hostess. - I wanted her since I saw her n now she is here in my room -. Suraj signals her to enter the room.

Female character
She is a small town girl n lived in a small house with her parents. She went to college n wanted to become q teacher. She was ambitious but Unfortunately her Parents died a year ago. Since then she is alone trying to stay alive to earn a little bit money to pay the bill n the debts her parents had. After trying it many times to find a proper job to earn good money she comes to know that there is non for her (She couldn't finish her college she couldn't pay for the fees). She struggled alot n the debts owner were getting annoying one of the said he will abate debts if she spend a night with him. She refused n asked for another week to payback but she couldn't n this was her start or better day the end of a normal life she slept with that man. She did once n never again. She felt dirty n angry abt herself but was helpless she tried her fulliest but wasn't successful of finding a honest job.

After the debt were gone she was free but still she doesn't had money to pay the bills. Some1 told her that some hotels employee without certifications n this was a last hope to find a gud job (She didn't knew what she was appling for). She applied for Job as a hostess for parties. The manager of the hotel was surprised as she looked from a good house But he saw the helpless in here n took it as an advantage (innocent looking girls earn more). He told her she can stay, live n eat here she will have her own room. She won't need to pay for rent but only if she accepts to do some extra job. She was confused n asked what kind of extra job n the manager explained her that the extra jobs includes some intimacy with some special guest. If one of them call for some1 she should be ready. She was in a dilemma on one side she was free  but no money, home or food on the other side she would be captive by the new job but she won't be scared of paying bills or having food she would get everything she needed.
She thought but she knew it it is the best she could do she already sold herself there was no reason to say no. She agrees on the terms of the manager.

It's her first week n the first real job she was booked as a hostess for the party n the manager informed her that anyone of the guest could ask for her.

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