Chapter two

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The day was a drag considering the only thing people talked about was whether Beth has been murdered or not and then they started to see which one of them had the biggest motive. And they could not come up with one single suspect and what really pissed me off is that even the teachers gossiped about it all as well which just disgusts me because they have a level of authority so they are supposed to be stopping people from being disrespectful when a student could be dead somewhere. 

When I got home my mom was watching the TV.

“Hey mom have you heard anything yet?”

“No. I don’t even think it is on the news yet…”

But at that point the story had just come onto the news and I practically leaped over the couch and grabbed the remote to turn it up.

The woman on the news was saying…….

‘Missing Bethany Parker has been found……’

Oh thank god.. I thought to myself.

‘Unfortunately she was found dead at the bottom of the country forest Lake. Her death is being treated as murder as signs of a struggle were found at the scene and she had finger marks on her arms. It is suspected that the killer pushed her into the lake and……’

I really did not want to hear the rest so I turned off the TV.

“Poppy are you ok?”

“Yeah it has just messed me up a bit considering I knew her”

“Your principle called everyone’s parents. They are closing the school until further notice. They don’t think it is safe for students to be outside”

I bet everyone else is thanking Beth now for causing the school to close. But no they should be scared because there is a murderer out there and for all we know we could know them, and the thought of that is freaking me out even more. 

There is just something weird about all of this….. How did anyone know that Beth was at the Lake….. Why did she walk all the way to the Lake…. She always knew it was dangerous around the lake in the winter. 

“Mom do the police have any suspects yet”

“I don’t know they won’t even tell  Beth’s parents if there are any suspects”

“I feel sorry for them. They must be going through hell right now”

We sat and ate dinner in silence and all I could think about was how everything about Beth’s death does not add up at all. That is the kind of person I am, I notice everything and if I think something is not right I pursue it until I find out what is wrong or why it is wrong. 

“Poppy. Stop thinking about it. It will eat you up”

“Mom I just can’t stop thinking about it because something is not right and I don’t know what that is but remember what happened when I discovered that the mayor elections were rigged. I pursued it until I could prove it.”

“But this is a murder not an election Poppy. It is not your responsibility. Just let the police do their job sweet heart”

“I know mom but if I don’t try to figure out what isn’t right I will go crazy….”

“Just be careful”

“I always am”

“Promise me one thing”


“Do not go anywhere near that Lake Poppy”

“I promise I won’t”

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