Jeff the Killer x Reader

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        I was bored and watching my angel. Y/N. She was concentrating on something but I couldn't ell what, this was my fault as I was watching her from the steps. Soon I got quite bored. "Y/N I need you." I whined walking up the steps to my room.
        Soon later I heard Y/N yell. "Jeff!" Exiting  my room  walked down the hall towards the steps to see Y/N just standing there. "Carry me." She whined with a slight pout. With a slight chuckle I picked her up carrying her into my room laying he gently on my bed. "So why did you need me ?" Y/N asked. I just shook my head to say no as I laid down wrapping my arms around her waist. 
        "Hey Y/N I love you." I stated.
        "I love-." Y/N began to say before I kissed her. That kiss soon escalated into us making out. During this time I released I wanted Y/N more than I thought. When we pulled away from each other I removed Y/N's shirt and pants before kissing her again. Unlike something I would expect from my angel she was on top and removing my shirt. While Y/N was taking off my shirt I was taking off her bra. I hesitated before removing her panties. Y/N was my angel and I didn't want to hurt her even if it meant controlling myself. Even though sex wouldn't hurt all that bad I also didn't want to rush her into anything. I also had this thing were I hated giving dominance to anyone so yea, being on the bottom angered me... a lot. Before I could do anything about this I felt Y/N's finger slowly run down my chest where my belt buckle was then zip back up to the top of my chest. She did this several times before I managed to stutter out. "Y-Y/N s-stop."
        "But Jeffy-cakes you know you like it." Y/N purred. This was all too true and I  it was also too true that I enjoyed this unseen side of Y/N very much.
        "B-But," I managed to choke out somehow before she kissed me passionately. In this moment I learned that Y/N wants me just as much as I want her maybe more. This also signaled that she was ready for me to penetrate her little virgin hole. after the kiss Y/N started slowly messing with my belt buckle, once it was off the same was done with my pants. This all drove me all too crazy. Looking at Y/N she nodded reassuring me whisking any worries I could have possibly had just a moment ago away. "Glad you're ready." I purred.
        Then it started slowly and softly at first because Y/N is still a virgin and the first time being penetrating hurts the worst. Even though her virginity surprised me deeply, like honestly I really expected her not to be. She obviously is one good little girl. "Jeff?" Y/N moaned in a questioning way.
        "Yeah." I replied keeping my thrusting at the same pace.
        "F-faster."She stuttered not out of uncertainty but it still kinda concerned me. As Y/N never stuttered, ever.
        "You sure angel?" I asked cautious to do anything, this is mainly due to the fact when I thrust faster I thrust harder. Y/N nodded smiling which gave me complete confidence that what I was about to do is okay and would be appreciated. "Okay angel." Picking up the pace I could tell that Y/N wasn't content. No not yet. 
        "H-harder Jeff." Y/N commanded. Without any thought or comment I started slamming into her, really hard. Unlike the whimpers I thought would come from Y/N only smiles of content and moans came.
        "Damn angel you sure do like rough sex." I commented.  Y/N blushed before saying anything. Once the blush subsided I got to hear her voice. The one I loved so much. 
        "Guess I'm not the perfect angel you thought I was." 
        "Nope you're still my angel but this angel likes rough sex, no matter what your still perfect." I panted. at this point I didn't like the fact that Y/N wasn't at least as tired as I was. Due to this I started slamming into her as hard as I could making her yell. The yell wasn't out of pain though it was most defiantly out of pleasure and a lot of it. I assumed due to the sudden increase of volume that came with her yell that I had hit her g-spot. I continued my slamming making her moan loudly every time.
        Soon later Y/N came and as she did I felt my own climax coming. Me knowing my own climax was coming made me thrust very slowly to make the time I spent having sex with Y/N last longer than it would if I were thrusting faster or slamming. Then I came even with me holding it as long as I could I still wanted more of Y/N but that could wait till later. I sighed laying down next to my beloved angel who was smiling happily. Her around slowly found there way around me as she started to fall asleep. I stared at her face for a bit, more specifically at her smile. I loved her smile so much. So much I had no idea what to do with myself.

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