Chapter Two: The Thirty-First

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I snapped out of my sleep expecting to be in my bed back in the Manor, but I was still in the police station. It wasn't a dream.

A man with square glasses, red hair, and a nicely trimmed mustache(also slightly red) was standing next to the couch I was sleeping on. His jacket had the Officer Gordon written on it.

"Your butler is here. He's right out there in the lobby." Officer Gordon said as he pointed towards the room he was speaking of.

I pushed the blankets off and followed Gordon into the lobby, and found my stout and official looking butler standing next to the check-in desk tossing the limousine keys up and down in his hand. His suit had the words, "Wayne Manor Staff" written on it.

"Hello, Bruce." He greeted.

"Hello, Ronald." I responded.

Officer Gordon walked past me and held out his hand to my butler for a hand shake.

"Hello, I'm Officer Gordon. I wish we were meeting under better circumstances" Gordon stated as he shook his hand.

"Likewise sir, I am Ronald Signon, the groundskeeper and butler for the Wayne family. I thank you for keeping Bruce safe after that horrible accident last night." Ronald thanked him with is classic thick British accent.

"It's no problem, sir. It's what we do." Gordon responded.

Ronald looked back at me and inspected my appearance.

"Well, Mister Wayne is obviously quite tired. I'd better take him back to the Manor."

Gordon nodded and shook his hand one more time.

"Lets go, Bruce." Ronald said as he grasped my shoulders and began walking me through the lobby to the doors.

Gordon ran back up to me right before we walked out the doors, kneeled on his knee to get eye-to-eye with me, and spoke to me one last time.

"Kiddo, whatever happens, it'll be okay. As long as we are around you're safe. Even if we aren't, you're a strong boy, aren't you? You can take care of yourself, right?" Gordon said with a chuckle.

"Sure." I said dryly.

Gordon lifted himself up off the ground.

"I'll be seeing you. If you need anything, you know our number." He said.

"Farewell, officer." Ronald stated.

Gordon waved goodbye as we walked out the door.

The black limousine was parked directly in front of the double-doors horizontally. That wasn't really a parking space, but I was a Wayne, which meant I could do virtually anything I wanted. Including our servants.

Ronald opened the door for me and I sat in the seat facing away from the front of the vehicle. My door closed with a deep thump, and I heard Ronald slip into the driver seat of the limousine.

"Where are my parents?" I asked through the sliding window between the driver's cab and the passenger area.

"Bruce, that is a conversation for a later time. For now we just need to get you home." Ronald said.

As I became lost in my thought, a cheery British voice began to speak to me.

"Hello, Bruce!" The voice exclaimed.

It wasn't Ronald. Ronald's voice was quite deeper; this man's voice was slightly higher. He must've been in the passenger seat.

The car started, and we were on our way to the Manor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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