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Charlotte's voice rang through the empty hallway. "You are going to wear through the carpet."

I pursed my lips to refrain from snapping at her and continued my pacing.

"You are awfully worried over the Prince."

I clenched my jaw.

"And you say you do not care for him."

Before I could explode at my annoyingly astute lady-in-waiting, the door to Henry's chambers burst open as Edna walked out with her signature brown satchel.

"He is unwell, my dear, but he will live." I released a heavy breath I did not realise I had been holding.

"I have left the Royal Medics to their work. The arrow only hit him in his upper-left torso, and not any major organs. Its poison-tip needed to utilise the major arteries to kill the target. He is high with fever, due to both the wound and the poison in his system. He will need constant care."

I bowed my head in relief. "Thank you, Edna."

"Just answer me truthfully this question, and answer it to your soul. Do you love him?"

I answered almost reflexively. "No. My concern was with the French's reaction over their Prince being-"

Edna smiled at me with pity. "You deny the truth, because you are afraid of it. Afraid of the power you give another with the truth. But you could have lost him today. Or tomorrow, or the next, because the Royal House may be well guarded, but it is also the most targeted. So why not live the time that you have to its fullest? Spend it with those you love and love you in return. The Prince was willing to trade his own life for yours. If that isn't love, I do not know what is."

Edna smoothed my frown with her thumb, gazing up at me with more motherly affection than I'd ever received from another. "He saved you today, as he has been saving you, as he will save you. Let him in. You deserve happiness, my dear, you both do."

Witha final kiss on my brow, she left.    

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