Chapter One

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“Let me tell you now you’re the lucky one.” -The Lucky One, Taylor Swift

Taylor’s P.O.V.

“…never, ever, ever getting back together.” I finished. I was joined by my greatest and cutest best friend, Ed Sheeran. He is just so considerate. He actually made time to come and perform with me. We went backstage for costume change.

“You were great out there Taylor! No…wait, let me rephrase that, YOU WERE FLAWLESS AS ALWAYS!” Ed said.

“Well thank you. You were pretty great…no, wait, ABSOLUTELY FLAWLESS DANCING AROUND!” I said.

“Naww…don’t say that!” he said in a way like a girl being told that she is pretty.

We both burst out laughing and so did everyone.

The night seemed long but I enjoyed it; being with my fans and all that. I am pretty beat up, I mean, singing, skipping, awkward dancing, meet and greets are tiring you know. We’re in a hotel right now and tour is finally over! I can get myself some relaxation and more time for baking cookies. I flopped on the comfy bed and took out my phone. I checked my twitter and it was loaded, as always. I heard someone opened the door.

“Mom? Mom can we order some cheese burgers? I’m kinda hungry.” I said without even bothering to look up.

Someone chuckled. “No honey.” That someone said in a womanly voice. I know who it is. I looked up and smiled.

“Hey Edward.” I said.

“Ugh…I don’t like it when you call me that. It’s formal-ish” He said.

“Nah, I think it’s better. Edward.” I said with a smirk.

He groaned. It was silent for a couple of seconds until he broke it.

“So…umm…hey wanna go out and get some fresh air?” He asked.


We both smiled. We disguised ourselves as two normal people. I put on an auburn wig that I always bring in case times like this come; I wore round eyeglasses just like Harry Potter and I removed my makeup while Ed just put on shades and popped his hoodie up.

“Really Ed?” I said.

“What?” he asked.

“Nothing. Let’s just go.” I laughed.

We sneaked out so that we wouldn’t draw any attention. We got into a cab and Ed told the driver to take us to the park.

“Ed, who goes to the park at night?” I whispered.

“Uh…isn’t it obvious?” He answered.

“What?” I asked him confused.

“Us.” He said.


“Us. We’re going to the park at night. I answered your question.”

I stared at him. I just can’t help it. I burst out laughing and Ed and the driver looked at me confused. I began to calm down. And looked at Ed. He’s still staring at me.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing.” He smiled.

We finally reached the park. I was about to pay but Ed got ahead of me. Again.

“Ed, why do you have to always do that?” I asked as we began to walk away from the cab.

“Do what?” He asked.

“You always pay ahead of me. I never got to pay anything for you. You always pay. I feel bad.”

“Aww…blondie, don’t feel bad.” He said as he hugged me there.

I hugged him back. But our hug was taking too long and I finally spoke.

“It’s getting awkward Ed.” I said.

He doesn’t respond.

“Edward. It’s really awkward.” I said again.

No response.

“EDWARD CHRISTOPHER SHEERAN AREN’T YOU AWARE THAT THIS IS REALLY AWKWARD?!” I screamed from the top of my lungs and he pulled away.

“Wha—wh—where am I? Where are we?” He asked.

“What are you talking about?” I looked at him.

He looks back at me. His eyes suddenly widen like he just realized something.

“Oh…I must’ve fallen into a trance while we were hugging. Sorry.”

I looked at him like he is some kind of a psycho and we burst out laughing but he soon stopped when he saw something.

“Oh crap. This now?” he groaned.

I looked back and saw paparazzi coming our way. Wow, just wow. They are truly incredible. Can’t a blonde just spend her night with her ginger best friend at the park so that they could lay down on the grass and look at the stars? Nope. I guess not.

“Shit.” I mumbled.

“I know right? Good thing your mom’s not here to hear that.” He laughed as he took my hand.

We hid behind this really huge bush. How cliché. I know right?

“Really Ed? A bush? What is this? Some cartoon show?”

“What? Got any other hiding spots? Under the park bench? Wow, they wouldn’t see us there.”

“Wow. Are you sassing me?”

“No. I was just being sarcastic.”

“Sounds like you’re sassing me.”

“No I’m not.”

“Yes you are.”

“No I’m not.”

“Hey Ed! Who’s that girl you’re with?” an unknown voice asked.

“Is she your girlfriend?” another one joined.

Noise began to grow and we soon realize what was happening. They found us. Crap. They were asking so many questions and they were taking pictures. A lot. Ed and I quickly stood up and ran the hell out. They began running after us and they were kinda fast.

“Does this really have to happen right now?” I said as I was already breathing heavily while running.

“Yes. It’s kinda fun. It’s like a roller coaster kinda rush.” He said as he glanced at me and smiled, still running.

“Never knew I could feel that much…” I answered back. I know where this is going.

“AND THAT’S THE WAY I LOVE YOU!” We both sang at the top of our lungs as we found a cab to ride on back at the hotel and to escape the paps.

I’m really lucky to have him. I’m lucky to have Ed in my life. I’m lucky to have that ginger.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2014 ⏰

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