The last words before sacrifice

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*Johnnie's pov*

It was a nice day, the sun was out but it was slightly cloudy, and their was a nice breeze. I stood on the balcony for a few moments taking it in then went inside. I never really was much of a person for the outdoors. I sat next to Kyle he was watching tv, we were going on a walk later to Starbucks while Alex stayed home to edit. "So what's up Kakle" I looked over to him. He jumped like he was concentrating really hard and replied after a few seconds. " Uh n-nothing much man, w-what about you." It wasn't normal for Kyle to stutter so much, there had to be a problem. "I'm just thinking of what to order, you okay? You don't normally stutter or jump like that." Kyle looked down into his lap playing with his fingers, he looked sort of nervous like something would happen. "Yeah I'm fine just some stuff on my mind but it will be okay"

*Kyle's pov*

I'd been planning this for months, I didn't want to do it but I had to. Johnnie knew something would happen so I would have to catch him off guard. It was my idea to leave while Alex was editing, I couldn't have any witnesses.

"So you ready to go?"
I looked up to see Johnnie standing at the door waiting to leave.
"Yeah just one second I have to use the restroom." I walked down the hall and into the restroom, I closed and locked the door making sure it was tight, I scavenged through the cupboard for a prescription container of my pills, or so it looked like. I took out a bag with a deadly liquid in it, I didn't know what the liquid was but I was given it and told once someone drinks it as soon as they go to sleep they will never wake up. I slipped the bag into my pocket safely where I wouldn't lose it. The plan was simple: pour this into Johnnie's drink when he's not looking and when he goes to sleep that night he'll never wake up. It kind of broke my heart now that I was thinking about how I would do this but the time was right, and I had to do it I was told to do it, if I didn't then someone much worse would kill Johnnie in a much more torturous way and make me watch it all.

I unlocked the bathroom door and let a few tears drip down my cheeks and onto the floor before I wiped my eyes and left the bathroom and the apartment. I heard Johnnie: "bye Alex I love you" it would probably be his last time wishing her that.

*Johnnie's pov*

Kyle was acting weird today, he was moping around kind of depressed like. I hoped he was okay, he wouldn't answer today but I could ask him about it in the morning after we all went to bed.

We got to Starbucks and after a long wait in the line up we got our drinks. We both got new drinks so I let Kyle try mine, right as I gave Kyle the drink some guy called me over. I didn't know who he was or why he specifically called me over.

I went to go talk and turns out he liked my YouTube videos, how nice to see a thug pug in public.

*Kyle's pov*

Johnnie walked over to the guy calling him over. This was my chance, I recognized the guy as one of the ones who told me to do this. I quickly grabbed Johnnie's drink and poured in the deadly liquid and mixed it around. It was done now. I couldn't stop Johnnie from dying now or he would know and the other guy would kill him anyway.

Johnnie came back to the seat and explained the guy calling him over "So it turns out he watches my videos. Cool right? So what did you think about the drink I got?" He took a sip and I cringed knowing what I did.
"It was pretty good actually I didn't expect it maybe I'll get it next time"

*Johnnie's pov*

It was starting to get dark and we were leaving Starbucks, the new drinks were pretty good next time we would bring Alex and maybe Jeydon and Jordan if they were in California any time soon so they could try the new drinks with us. Of course they wouldn't be that new by then though.

Kyle was still acting kind of strange, I asked him again "what's wrong something has to be up" his reply surprised me "Johnnie, this is probably one of the last things you'll hear from me but I love you, you're one of my best friends and I'm so sorry for what I did even though you wouldn't know what happened and this might be your last day seeing me." I freaked out and quickly replied "woah Kyle calm down I'm not going anywhere and neither are you, were young we still have long lives ahead of us, whatever is wrong it will be okay and it will get better. We can even go somewhere with Alex tomorrow all together to make you happier." I was surprised when he looked down with tears in his eyes, he stopped walking and the salty water rolled down his cheeks and splashed the ground. I stopped and walked towards him, he collapsed to the ground. I helped him sit up. "I switched our drinks..." He said softly I looked at him baffled as he got up. I helped him sit with me on a park bench.

Kyle started talking slowly, his eyes drooping and his arms weak. "The guy, the one who called you over gave me this poison liquid to kill you. I put it in your drink and followed the orders, I've been planning for months but I switched your drink with mine. I drank the poison, I drank it and now I'll never wake up after tonight and I'm already getting tired from the affects from it.

I stared speechless, Kyle tried poisoning me when a guy ordered him to kill me but he... He sacrificed himself for me. I hugged him tears now forming at my eyes "we have to go home and tell Alex, try staying awake as long as you can, maybe we can find a way to save you." "There's no way Johnnie, this is my last day." "No! There has to be a way! I can't just watch you die before my eyes!" My voice cracked and my throat started clogging up, I stood up from the bench sulking I pulled Kyle up, "come on Kakle, we have to get home before it's too late."

*Kyle's pov*

We got back, Alex had just heard the story and she was freaking out. Her and Johnnie were searching and calling all the poison control centers around with no luck, it really was my last day... Ever. "F**K THIS ALL THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING... There has to be..." Alex sat down holding Johnnie as he silently cried rocking him back and forth. Alex and I had both come to terms that I'll be gone after this, but Johnnie just couldn't except it, he tried everything but refused to give up.

That entire night Alex tried keeping me awake while we heard Johnnie angrily screaming when he got no answers on how to save me. Alex kept reminding me of how everyone loved me and all the good times and funny moments we had together. But I felt my own mind slipping away and my eyes closing and everything going dark...

*Alex's pov*

I was shaking Kyle, right as his eyes closed, I heard Johnnie screaming in the background, a mix of pain, sorrow, helplessness, anger, and regret. It hurt me to have to hear someone so close in so much pain as I watched another close friend slip away from their own life. I felt for a heartbeat, nothing I had to except it, he was gone... Forever.

It was hard to notice my eyes starting to water over Johnnie on the phone. I now realized I have to go tell him myself what had happened.

I walked over to Johnnie and tapped his shoulder, he stopped and looked. "Johnnie, H-He's gone." I choked on my own words, Johnnie went quiet and started sobbing, finally realizing nothing could be done to help. "He can't be gone... He can't be... He just can't." Johnnie put his head in my arms while he whispered quietly. "Johnnie we did everything but we have to except that he's gone."

Together we walked to the couch where Kyle was, we looked at his cold, lifeless body wishing for a miracle we know wouldn't happen. We held each other mourning for our lost friend.


It was the day of Kyle's funeral, I remembered all that happened that night and I wish I didn't. So many tears were shed, so much pain was felt, and we couldn't do anything no matter how hard we tried.

All of our friends had shown up to grieve the lost beautiful soul that never made it past 20...

"Here lies Kyle David hall, he was an inspiration for many, living life to the fullest everyday. Sharing the beauty of the world, and we gather here today where this young, free spirit will be put to rest."

Everyone was in tears when the speech finished, everyone loved Kyle and he was gone forever, he sacrificed himself to save a friend and he will be missed.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 29, 2017 ⏰

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