Chapter 3

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" Police have been searching for 5 hours trying to find clues to wear this girl might be . Her sister Ella Clarkton , was found dead just 2 hours ago . Again if anyone has seen Jessie Clarkton , or might have any idea where she is please alert Police as soon as possible . " the reporter looker said . Soda turned off the TV before she said anymore . Johnny's face went white . 

His hand went off the doorknob ,I sat back down on the couch . "The whole town is a LITTEL shaken up , I mean nothing like thing ain't ever happened round here before " Steve exclaimed sadly. Some poor little girl who was probably only 9 or 10 was murdered , while the other who is probably my age , was kidnapped . What kind of sick people who did that . There was a cold chill that went down my back . And unevenying one , the type of feeling when you say something , and know something more about it ? But you don't know about it yet . That's what put me on edge . Johnny said nothing , he just nodded his head towards the door ." Just be careful man " Dally said to Johnny . I got up to follow him as he opened the door." Y'all sure you don't want one us to come with ?" Two asked . " it's fine we'll be back in and hour and 30 min " Johnny said as I walked out the front door ." Did you have to be that precise ?" I scolded him as we walked along the side of the road." I was just in a rush , your big competition is in a week and a half ya know ? You can't be late . Ya gotta beat those rotten Socs . You're better than all of them " he always made me blush whenever he said that . I mean I was good at it , I just don't have any confidence . " ya ya, but the gang is getting suspicious , there gonna find out sooner of later , and when they do I'm gonna quite ."

I said sternly." And no you ain't Violet , I don't understand the big deal of them finding out?" 

" they'll think it's girly and weird , and stuff that's only meant for Socs ."

I looked into his eyes and I noticed he was staring at something , with fear in his eyes . I was afraid to turn my head , it was the same look he did when we both got jumped real bad .

Then I wished I wouldn't had turned my head . I didn't kneed this right now , and neither dose Johnny .   

ITS GOING TO GET REALLY GOOD REALLY SOON GUYS , YOU JUST GOTTA WAIT 2 MORE CHAPTERS . ( P.S . I'm in an all day camp and I post whenever I get home , I type everything from 1 am to 4 am in the Morning . when I am supposed to be sleeping , but I try to update a lot.)

The younger Cade (Violet Cade, Johnny's little sister )Where stories live. Discover now