You're Mine!

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Neziana P.O.V

I woke up to find a pair of eyes watching me from a distance, I was not certain of who it was, the candles shed a dim illuminating light, it was cold though there was fire burning brightly in the fire place, I missed the sunlight all I wanted was to feel the rays of the sun on my skin. ‘I wish I could see the rays of the sun’ as soon as these words slipped out of my tongue I was startled by a huge cracking noise as if something solid made of stones had crumbled. ‘Did you say you wanted sunlight?’ A familiar deep voice rang in my ears and behold my eyes saw the most beautiful rays of sunlight in years. This man had blown a hole in the wall just to bring in the sunlight? I walked up to the hole to feel the warmness of the sun on my skin. ‘Thank you, sir’ I said, ‘we have met before, haven’t we? And you know my name’ he grinned the most appealing grin like that of a little boy. Just then a horror struck my eyes ‘your wrist it’s injured’ I said walking up to him and looking at his half burned wrist. ‘It’s the sunlight’ he said and continued ‘it’ll heal’ a glance at his hands and the wound was already healing. ‘This is beautiful’ I could feel fresh crisp air through my nose and the glorious sun on my skin, it was heaven on heart ‘you are not coming’ I turned to look as I passed through the hole into the garden that stretched lusciously green before my eyes. ‘I can’t’ a sad smile played on his face.

‘Oh, pardon me sir’ I apologised; I had forgotten that he was a vampire.

‘No consequences young lady, you don’t need to ask pardon and it would be my pleasure if we address ourselves with our first names’ this young man was different, being with the vampires it was usually trepidation that I felt but with him was utter relief. I blushed at the thought of addressing him with his first name, I was always taught to address one with their surnames unless we were siblings or acquaintance and for some reason his presence made blood too rush to my cheeks.

Marcus P.O.V

This could not be I cannot see Neziana being dragged to hell. I found my feet carrying me to the room where she was being kept though I had no courage to talk to her.

‘Neziana’ I knocked at the door waiting for the reply. I could hear voices and wondered who was with her the thought that Ivan might be in there brought my blood to rage. I walked through the corridor up and again waiting for the door to be opened, after a long wait I heard the creaking noise of the door being ‘Zayn?’

‘Marcus, I was having a conversation with Neziana and I apologise if that doesn’t feel appropriate’ he said and I knew that he would never harm her in any way.

‘Where is Neziana? And is she doing well’ I asked. ‘I reckon you should you should go in and talk to her yourself and be quick Ivan may be here any time’ I felt a reassuring hand on my shoulder and in a blink of an eye I knew he was gone.

I entered the room to find Neziana standing in front of a big hole on the wall her features silhouetted against the rays of the sun.

‘Neziana’ the next moment she was in my arms ‘Oh! Marcus,’ hot tears trickled down our cheeks.

 ‘I am sorry Nezi, so sorry’ I caressed her lovely face, her cheeks had grown thinner and her eyes seemed larger. ‘Marcus, you don’t have to apologise for anything’ her sweet voice had grown hoarse from crying. ‘You have grown so much Nezi’

‘Do you expect me to be the same fat Nezi crying for sugar candy brother?’ she smiled through tears. I let out a small chuckle which widened her smile ‘you were not fat you were chubby’ I said and hugged her again I did not want to lose her again I was going to get her out of here at any cost.

Neziana POV

Fear crept into my bones on seeing him in my room; he was walking towards me. “Who made this hole?” his commanding voice made me tremble, my throat felt dry as he towered over me “Neziana, who did this?” he caught hold of my arms, I winced as his fingers stung into my flesh. “I wanted sun-su n-light so, so”

“Ivan I did it” the deep familiar voice resounding against the walls of the room.

“You did this?” Ivan’s grip on my arms loosened and he walked towards Zayn,


“She wanted sunlight Ivan” Zayn said.

“My question was not this Zayn” he stepped closer to Zayn he was an inch taller than him “why were you in this room?”

“I was passing by Ivan, I heard her wishing for sunlight-“ I let out a scream as Ivan seized Zayn by his throat and held him mid air. “You are lying! Zayn” he cried as he flung him to the ground.

“Zayn!” tears streamed down my cheeks seeing him on my feet, he was gasping for breath. “DON’T! Don’t touch him or he dies” his coercing voice made me withdraw my hands from Zayn. “Stop! Please stop” I cried,

 “Why? Do you love him lady?” his fingers dug into my hair and pulling me he pushed me against the wall ‘You are mine! Don’t you dare look at some other man lady’.

Ivan was gone, leaving me trembling in fear at his words Zayn was still lying on the floor I walked to the fire place not knowing what to do “are you fine lady?” I turned to find him right behind me, what was this? A moment ago he was on the ground gasping for breath and in no time he was on his feet standing behind me.

“I should be asking you that sir” I meekly replied, my head was hurting awfully. “I’ll be fine, a throw on the ground doesn’t affect me, just that I have had no proper provisions for the past few decades so I get weary” he said, what provisions was he talking about? And if that throw didn’t affect him then why was he gasping for breath? Thought like these clouded my brain. “Your mind might be wondering why I did not return his blows, am I right Neziana?” he asked as if he heard my thoughts, How do you know that I was pondering on this? Instead of saying these words I nodded my head, I felt a sharp stinging pain on my head and before I could sense what was happening, I could see Zayn’s face drowning in darkness, I could hear nothing, I felt a certain dizziness, I was falling, I knew that in a moment I would be on the hard ground but the only thing I felt was a pair of strong hands.

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