Castle Scarlet

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My head ached badly, I tried to open my eyes but couldn’t. I was in a large room though it had a fire place it lacked warmth, I managed to get up from the king sized bed and walked around the room, strangely there were no windows in the room. Suddenly the door opened and two ladies walked into the room with an extravagant looking chest studded with precious stones, they didn’t say a word and led me to the large mirror and made me sit. ‘What are you doing?’ I asked rather puzzled. ‘Don’t say a word master wants you this way’ said one of them with red hair and grey eyes she was beautiful ‘if he hadn’t chosen, I would have finished her here and now’ said the other, this one had green eyes and the room filled with their shrill laughter .There was a strange coldness in their body, I could feel it. Jesus saves, were these vampires? ‘Done! She looks pretty enough’ the one with the red hair took her hands off my hair and stood behind me. ‘Never mind, he would not mind about her beauty just the taste of her blood and I can certainly say that we will be awarded for our catch’ the lady with green eyes said and they led me out of the door, God save me are they talking about me being their master’s or whoever the person was his or her meal!? I had to escape, but how? My mind wasn’t working ‘leave me’ I said. They both started to laugh ‘I said leave me’ I screamed. ‘So our petite little lady is angry’ they teased ‘shut up and move or else we will have to drag you in’ saying this they caught hold of my arms on the either side and dragged me all the way, I screamed kicked and even tried to bite them on which one of the ladies displayed her fangs ‘so annoying, if you were not for him I would not have spared you’ She hissed. Our march came to an end and perhaps my life would too in a few moments.

‘Here, now you have to go in by yourself’ the ladies said, I looked up to find a huge door made of brass, if not, it looked like brass. The door opened by itself and I felt myself being pushed inside, the room seemed quite spacious in the dim light, after a while my eyes got used to the darkness and I could see a figure of someone sitting  a few yards away from where I was standing. ‘So you are here at last mademoiselle’ the deep frozen voice echoed in my ears. WHO ARE YOU? I screamed WHO ARE YOU? Knowing that he was a vampire. A hideous chuckle filled the room ‘are you that stupid mademoiselle?’ he asked ‘don’t you know where you are?’ I felt a grip on my shoulders, can the vampires be this fast? And felt cold breath on my neck. ‘It hurts’ I managed to speak, I heard him chuckle again. ‘Do you expect me to treat my meals with respect, miss?’ I felt the grip tighten. ‘If you are going to bite me then do it fast’ I said trying to be brave facing death ‘and do drain all blood that runs in my veins I don’t want to turn into a hideous bloodsucking monster like you’ I felt heroic saying those words. The grip loosened at my shoulder and I felt the hands on my belly, I took a deep breath sensing my end to be near. I waited for the pang of pain as the fangs get into my flesh but to my surprise he didn’t move nor did I. I was still facing the other side and the room was still dark, it was cold with no fire and his cold loatheful hands on my body. I was shivering with the cold. ‘You are unusually brave miss’ he said and I felt him walking away. Suddenly fire lit up the fire place and the room was now bright and the vampire was now facing the other side he turned and my eyes met the unusual cold piercing reddish brown pair of eyes. He looked rather similar just his look not anything else, he grinned and my expressions congealed. He had a handsome face nice pointed nose thin set lips and dark neck length thick glossy hair; he was dressed in what one would say finest purple. ‘Maliva’ he hushed and his expressions froze; I shifted my weight on one leg and in moment resumed my normal position. He clapped his hands and a boy walked in, ‘send the message to all the council members that I want them to assemble here as soon as possible, I have an important matter to discuss’ he said. What was he going to declare? Who was Maliva? Or was he going to make his council members feed on me? Within a minute hushed voices could be heard in the hall and soon it was filled with vampires.

I stood at the centre multicoloured pairs of eyes looking at me, they were staring at me as if was something to eat! God do I look like a dish served for dinner! Again! How can I forget these are vampires not humans! After some few minutes the seats were occupied except for the one on the master’s right and the other next to the empty one.

‘Yes, your majesty’ a man stood up and addressed him bowing low, was he a king? A vampire king? ‘What was that you wanted to discuss? The council awaits your voice’ he said with reverence. Where is Zayn? He questioned. ‘Your majesty he will be here in a few moments’ the person answered. ‘Who is this human?’ a lady asked him, her eyes was of the darkest shade and lips of deep red, like that of meat. ‘Introduce yourself to them young lady’ he commanded me. I kept unspoken, what were this monsters trying to do? There was hushed silence in the council,

‘Answer damsel!’ it was the lady with the green eyes, she was beside me in a blink of an eye and wedged my neck from behind ‘answer girl’ she hissed, I winced because it hurt the way she pressed her nails into my flesh.

‘AWAY FROM HER MARIA! STAY AWAY FROM HER!’ He shouted as he threw Maria to the ground, ‘she is not to be hurt’ he whispered those words in rage and walked up to his throne. ‘Introduce yourself lady’ he said his voice was now calm as if nothing had happened a few moments ago.

‘Neziana, my name is Neziana’ my voice trembled as I spoke those words.

‘People I have found myself a bride,’ he announced standing at the podium,

‘That’s a very pleasant news brother’ a deep voice interrupted the king ‘at last you have found yourself a bride Ivan’ my heart skipped a beat as I found myself looking at a very familiar face.

Those same deep brown eyes, those beautiful eyes that has been preoccupying my thoughts for days, He had not looked at me since he entered and I wondered if he remembered me. ‘Have a glance at my future bride brother’ Ivan said and ushered his eyes towards me and together with his turned those beautiful eyes. A moment, and his eyes fixed on me he looked rather...what? I couldn’t understand his expression. ‘Accept me as your mate lady’ Ivan’s voice was coercing. It took me with a complete surprise, what on earth was happening?

‘Sorry your majesty some subject kept me from coming quickly’ a young man entered the door, my eyes were fixed and all I could think was ‘Marcus... ‘The name escaped from my lips and I felt certain uneasiness in my belly, my head was pounding, everything around me was drowning in darkness, I felt myself drifting away in the darkness and all I could hear was someone calling my name and I was certain it was my brother Marcus.

Zayn P.O.V

Neziana...? I felt a certain sense of uncertainty seeing her, what was she doing here? And what is this sudden bride talk all about? I put out a step seeing her fall but Ivan was to the lead so I held back. Marcus? I turned to look at him he was at Neziana side ahead of Ivan. Ivan called out her name a few times before carrying her to his chamber. ‘This cannot be’ I heard him say, I could always talk to him whenever I could, we talked in our minds I could hear his thoughts and he mine. It had always been this way since I turned him eight years ago and we have been thick friends. What? I asked him, ‘I can’t let this happen with my sister, not at any cost’ he said, ‘even if she loves him?’

‘She will never Zayn...She hates our kind and now she’ll hate me’ he winched at this thought, I knew it felt bad really bad to tell someone you love of what you have become, it happened to me long before...

‘You need to help me get her out of here Zayn, please....’ he pleaded. ‘It’ll try’ I said but knew it would be of no avail talking to Ivan, if he wanted her he would do anything to get her no matter what and this was what made him formidable. 

DUSK WARRIOR- the man in shining Armour............Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora