56~ Just Talk

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I look down at two week old Bexley in my arms. I can't wait until my twins are here and I can have my own children to hold and watch grow up.

"Are you planning on telling him?" Luna lays James Sirius down in his crib.

"I'm not sure I can, Luna. It's been four months since we've talked, how do you think that conversation is going to go? He doesn't even want children." I look over at the sleeping James that is so obviously Harry's, I can't help but smile. He looks so much like his father except he has his mother's ice blue eyes.

"You're four and a half months pregnant, you've exchanged letters with him and it's so painfully obvious how in love he is with you." She sits next to me and strokes Bexley's head. "Even if he didn't want children before, he wants you and he'll love your children as much, if not more, than he loves you."

"What if he doesn't want me anymore?" I sob. "What if he decides I'm not attractive anymore and takes the twins like Weasley took Rose?"

"Shh... Hermione, that's not going to happen. You know he loves you for more than just your looks. It's just your hormones talking. Calm down, dear. You just need to talk to him." She stokes my hair. "I promise, everything will work out."

"How can you be so sure?" I sniffle.

"Trust me, he loves you so much more than he could ever even admit."

I get up and set Bexley down next to James in the crib. I stare at the small infants and feel a slight pain in my heart.

"I want another baby.." Luna admits.

"Luna, James isn't even 3 months old. Don't you think it's a little soon?"

She rubs her stomach, "I just miss being pregnant and feeling James move around, knowing that he's there and safe. I miss the feeling of having a life inside of me. It's so amazing."

"You're just lucky you had an easy pregnancy. I've been sick throughout both of mine," I joke. "Besides, since James was early, doesn't it worry you that it'll happen again with another child?"

"James and Bexley are close in age. What's wrong with having another one who's close to the twins' age?"

"You will still have at least five months difference between them." I pause. "Unless... are you telling me?"

"No!" Luna assures. "Not yet at least. I haven't talked Harry into it yet. He keeps saying we should wait, but I know it's ultimately up to me."

"Not to step in your business, but I agree with Harry. Let your body heal and then worry about another one," I reply.

"I'm just worried if I wait too long they'll start school later than everyone else. I don't want them to be alone, you know?" she explains.

"Even if they're a year apart, they'll still be at school at the same time, they'll just graduate a year later. They'll still grow up with the twins." I walk over to her and sit back down. "Korrin and Teddy are a year apart and they're still best friends. I assure you, they'll be fine."

We sit in a comfortable silence for a moment. "If I have another boy, I want to name him Neville, but if it's a girl I want to name her Lily." She announces. "But more importantly, I want your twins to have their father. They deserve that and he deserves to know about them."

"I know..."


"How do you know?" I ask in disbelief.

I watch Draco shift nervously in his seat. "I went to go see my parents. I wanted my father to accept us, while we were arguing, Mother came in and dragged us to go look at the family tapestry and it showed you were pregnant."

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