5~ They'll See

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Small. Lonely. Quaint. Just a few words you could use to describe my new flat. This is my life now. I'm alone for the first time in my life. I went from my parents' house, to Hogwarts, to a new flat with Weasley, to our house, that he now lives in with her. I wish I knew how this worked. I don't even have my daughter to keep me distracted from my broken heart. But I do have a plethora of boxes to unpack.

I open the boxes, decide where they go, then unpack. Over and over again. Until I come to one with pictures. The first one is of me and Rose. I lose it.

I fall to my knees and bawl. I lost her. She's going to grow up without her mother. How could I let this happen?

My only daughter. Gone.

My only love. Gone.

My friends. Gone.

What now? I have nothing left.

Maybe if I had a job. Or a hobby. Maybe things would be different. Maybe I could handle all of this. Anything to keep me busy. Anything to help me not feel lonely.

Now would be a great time to have Harry around, but he's staying out of this. Not to mention that he has Luna to worry about now.

Everybody has someone but me.

I tape up the box of pictures and put it in the bottom of my closet. Those pictures. Those people. They're my old life. Starting today, I'm starting over. I'm going to get a job. I'm going to move on. I'm going to make new friends. I'm going to be independent.

I don't need them. Weasley. Potter. Anyone. I'm Hermione Jean Granger, the smartest witch of her age, the brains of the golden trio. I can handle life without a man. I can handle life without those people who turned their backs on me when I needed them most.

I'm going to make Weasley curse the day he broke my heart. I'm going to make him curse the day he took my daughter away from me. I'm going to make him curse himself for letting me go.

They'll regret everything they did to me.

Harry wouldn't have lasted a day without me when we were searching for horcruxes. Weasley wouldn't have lasted a day without me when he moved out of the borrow. The D.A. never would have happened if it weren't for me. Yet, they repay me by turning away. That was a mistake.

They'll all see.

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