"I love you too, Finn," she whispered in his ear.

He held her close to his chest in silence until he could no longer hear her heartbeat or feel her breath on his skin. She felt cold as he laid her back down in his lap. A canon sounded outside. Tears fell freely from his sea coloured eyes as he looked down at her. He moved a strand of hair out of her face and pressed a kiss to her forehead. He picked her up and carried her back outside the cave, laying her on the soft ground. He grabbed a loose piece of the many nets he had made and tied it around her wrist.

He sat next to her until he heard the undeniable drone of the hovercraft, coming to take her lifeless body away. He sniffed and stood up, taking a single look down at her peaceful face before walking back down into his dark cave. He leant up against the wall and slid down to the floor.

He didn't remember how long he sat there for, but he knew that his fire went out and a few other cannons went off. There was only three of them left alive.

He imagined the people in the Capitol giggling as she died in his arms, laughing at his attempts to keep her alive. It angered him beyond belief. He was more upset than he'd ever been in his life. Angrier than the time his cousin pushed him off the boat into the water when he was four years old. Angrier than when his father left his mother for another woman. Angrier than when his best friend, Cyrus, volunteered for the Games. Angrier than when he died.

The citizens in the Capitol had no idea what it was like to suffer the Games. To constantly fear the reapings, not only fear for yourself but for the other poor children who'd be called. They had no idea what it was like to lose someone who meant the world to them. He doubted they even knew what real love was. And it enraged him.

He stood from his spot up against the cave and paced the short distance available under the ground. He tugged on his curly locks in frustration, muttering things under his breath. He threw his trident at the walls a few times, feeling useless and weak. More tears fell. They were most unwelcome. At one point, he even threw a punch at the hard stone wall, not thinking about how much pain he'd be in afterwards. His knuckles bled but that didn't stop him from doing it again, and again, and again, until he finally collapsed onto the floor, in another fit of grief filled tears.


He walked onto the shore, not seeing anyone else there. His last net had been ruined when he attempted to catch net of the remaining tributes. They'd broken free, tearing through the net. So there he was, going out into the water to fish for some food. Feeling defeated. He had decided that he was going to try and keep his promise to (Y/N). He'd try to win. Even if all he wanted to do was die.

He froze when he saw two other people run into the water not far away. A girl and a boy in the middle of a battle. He dove into the water, gripping his trident, praying to anything he could think of that they hadn't seen him. He swam farther out in the water, away from the fighting. His head broke the surface as he almost reached the Cornucopia in the centre of the salty lake.

He heard a cannon go off and he turned his head to the two in the water. The girl's body was floating upside down and the boy was shaking his head to get the water out of his hair and his hair out of his face. Finnick clambered up onto the rocks of the Cornucopia, gripping his trident tighter, knowing it was just them left. The boy in the water saw him and smirked before swimming up to the island. Finnick readied himself for the fight that was sure to occur.

As soon as his head bobbed above the water, Finnick knew who it was. Ezra.

"Hey there, Odair. I guess it's just you and me now. Too bad only one can leave today," Ezra taunted, hauling himself onto the rocky island. "And we all know it will be me that's walking out of here alive."

"That's real funny, One," Finnick said, remembering that Ezra came from one of the Career Districts.

"We'll see," Ezra spoke, throwing his fist at Finnick's face. Finnick snatched it out of the air before it hit him in the face.

"They were right, you really were the one we should have gone after," Ezra said. "Sadly, no one listened. The nets were you right? Pretty smart, for a kid."

Ezra was only two years older than the Odair boy. Finnick twisted his hand, causing him to grimace and tear his hand away.

"Less banter, more brawling, yeah?" Finnick countered. He tried to stab at the older boy, but Ezra just dodged it. Ezra smiled, pulling out a knife. Finnick lifted his trident again, ready to throw.

Instead of throwing the knife like Finnick expected, Ezra threw his entire body at the shorter boy, causing them both to tumble to the ground. Finnick wrestled to get out from under him, but instead, he was pinned down.

Ezra held the knife up to his throat. Finnick wondered why he didn't just kill him immediately.

"You're little girlfriend, (Y/N)? I killed her," Ezra admitted. Finnick almost didn't comprehend it. He struggled under him.

"What?" Finnick asked, taken aback by the words.

"I stabbed her right in the stomach and watched as she collapsed onto the ground. I wiped her blood away and I smiled while doing it," Ezra laughed. "She didn't even see me coming."

Finnick felt his blood boil as he struggled to get free. Ezra's blade began to cut into his skin, hot blood trickling down to the rocks below him. His vision turned red and he saw his trident just a few inches from his hand. He set his jaw and took a deep breath. Ezra was still talking about how he killed (Y/N) as Finnick twisted to the right. His hand brushed against the shiny metal and he gripped it tight. Ezra's knife was cutting into his throat more and he'd ended his soliloquy.

Before the boy from District One could think to stop him, Finnick had pushed himself out from under him and stood up, kicking the older boy to keep him down.

"You killed her!" Finnick roared, poking the tips of his weapon into Ezra's chest. He looked terrified as the younger boy seemed to tower over him.

"Yes," Ezra said, glaring at Finnick.

"This is for her," Finnick growled. Ezra's eyes widened as Finnick lifted his trident up in the air and forcefully shoved it straight through the other boy's chest. The cannon went off immediately. But, just out of anger, Finnick stabbed him once more.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I present the winner of the 65th Annual Hunger Games."

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