13/Walk through fire

Start from the beginning

He raised a brow-"What's that?"

"I didn't invite James to the exhibition after he kissed me.I invited him months before that.I would never want to hurt you purposely in any way"-I explained-"I should've stayed by your side,try to figure it out together but no.Instead I told you to get out the car and turned my back on you"

"I'm sorry for being a jerk that day.Accusing you of cheating on me,that was a really low thing to say.I know you would never hurt me on purpose"-he looked up at me-"What happened to us Alana? How did it all go so wrong,so fast that day"

"I don't know.But what I do know is that you showed me something no one else has ever shown me Shawn"-I said holding the rose even tighter behind my back-"Not that I'm beautiful and smart.Or that I'm positive and that I have a beautiful smile.You showed me that I was important.You made me feel as if the world was lucky to have me.And I don't think anyone will ever make me feel like that again"

"Do you still love me?"-He asked.How could I not? Everyday my love for this boy seemed to grow.No matter what he did,I would still love him

"I never stopped"

"Say it"-he demanded as his face hovered over mine.My breath caught.He looked so beautiful

"I love you Shawn.Always have,always will"

And so he kissed me.Without warning,without permission.He kissed me as if the breath that I was holding was his and he wanted it back.And suddenly it didn't feel like he was thousands of miles away anymore,he was here.Right infront of me.The rose I was holding fell to the ground as my hands went behind his neck,automatically running them through his soft curls.

"There hasn't been a day,when I didn't think of you"-he said caressing my cheek with his thumb-"I'm so sorry,I let my jealousy get the best of me and I'm sorry.You are so brave and beautiful.I didn't mean any of what I said that day.You are my whole world,my angel and I love you so so much"

I kissed him again and again and again

I then bent down on my knees and grabbed the rose from the ground,picking myself up I smiled as I held it infront of Shawn-"So,will we let it die or let it grow?"

"I say we let it grow"-he said and placed his lips on mine ever so gently,it made my lips tingle.We then heard whistling and clappings from backstage which made Shawn pull away and roll his eyes with a groan

"Zubin go away"-he said and the boys started laughing.We couldn't help but laugh at them.

I chuckled -"Go"

Shawn raised a brow-"We just got back together and you're already making me leave"

"Oh believe me Mendes,I'd keep you next to me forever if it was up to me.But you have fans to meet,a show to perform on and thank Andrew for not listening to your terrible request"

He chuckled kissing me again -"You're right.I love you"

"I love you too"

And so it went,I went at the meet and greet with Shawn and waited for him to finish meeting his fans.I accompanied him to the q&a and even answered some questions his fans had for me.Most of them were happy with the fact that we had kinda gotten back together.And finally I got to watch him pour his heart out while performing.It was the most beautiful thing I had witnessed on my entire life.Watching the person I love the most do what he enjoys the most made my heart flutter.

After,Shawn and I went to his hotel room.I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth,took my makeup off and put on one of Shawns t shirts to sleep in.When I entered the bedroom,Shawn was lying on his bed thinking about something.

"What are you thinking about?"-I asked going next to him

"You"-he said sheepishly.Damn it if that didn't make me smile like an idiot -"I was thinking how,no one can feel the way I feel about you.When I think about you,my mind goes wild.Come closer"-he said as he pulled me closer to his chest,he kissed the top of my head-"I've missed you.Your smell,your touch,your laugh...I've missed it all"

I bit my lip as his pupils dilated.I rested my hand on his cheek a placed my lips on his.Words could definitely not describe just what I was feeling in these moments.-"I love you"

"I love you too"-he reached behind me for something .He held out his hand infront of me,showing my ring-"I believe this belongs to you.Be my wife?"

I chuckled at him

"Okay wait.Let me rephrase that.Smile if you still wanna marry me"-he smiled cheekily which made me smile wildly -"Would you look at that! You said yes"

I laughed -"Guess I'm gonna marry you"

He kissed my cheek-"Don't worry baby.That only means you'll have to deal with me your entire life,not much right?"

"Sure Shawn"

"You're adorable"

Exhausted we both decided to call it a night and go to sleep.My head was on Shawns chest,his heartbeat was the lullaby that made me fall asleep so peacefully.Eventhough a part of me felt like we were rushing things,I couldn't help but think just how right this felt.Being on his arms again felt like I was in heaven .I felt safe but above that,I felt happy.I felt extremely happy,like my heart was going to burst out my chest.Maybe it would.

I realized that home is not necessarily a place.Sometimes it can be a person.Yeah,I realized I had already found my home and it was definitely better than a big house with fancy furnitures.Mine included some messy hair and some hazel eyes,but It was everything I could ever wish for.

He was everything

Sorry for the short chapter but I'll make it up to you guys I promise.I will try to update as soon as I can.And when I say soon,I mean soon soon.

Love you ❤

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