chapter 2

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What Now?

August 1,1942

I was in my bedroom reading a book when I suddenly got really hungry. "Allison come here please!" My mom yelled. I got up and went to the kitchen.

"Yes?" I asked her.

"Help me set the table." She ordered as she was finishing cooking dinner. I nodded and started to set the table.

"Oh nice." I said with a smile. There was a basket of chocolate chip cookies on the table. As I slowly grabbed one my mom yelled at me.

"Stop!" She warned. I was shocked and put the cookie back in the basket.

"Those are for the bakery Allison. You know that." My mom chuckled.

"I actually didn't." I responded sarcastically. She just smiled. We then heard banging on the door. My dad quickly ran to the kitchen. Immediately all of us were worried. It's the Nazis. I can tell.


"Open this door!" One of the soldiers shouted. Sam,Karen,and Allison just silently waited in the kitchen fearful of their lives. They knew what had awaited them.

"We know your in there Jews!" The same soldier shouted. Bam! The Nazis broke in the house. Karen screamed and held her daughter close.

The Nazis rushed into the house. There was five of them. Two of them went to look for jewelry or any expensive goods. The other three held Sam, Karen,and Allison down. Karen started crying when one of the Nazis took Allison from her. So did Allison.

"Mom! Dad! Don't let them take me!" Allison cried out to her parents. Karen did nothing. A Nazi was restraining her. Sam became furious.

Sam punched one of the Nazis in the face. "Let both of them go." He growled. He was beyond furious. There isn't a word to describe how he feels in the moment.

"We don't deserve this. Just because we're Jewish doesn't mean you guys can take us to some concentration camp." Karen whispered.

"That's exactly what it means." A Nazi told her.


I assume that I'm in the master bedroom. I can tell they're poor. Their jewelry isn't good enough. As I'm opening the dresser I found a picture of my daughter that my wife gave up for adoption when she was a baby. It was for the best at the time. I can't believe its been eighteen years. I can't believe Jews adopted my daughter. She's Nazi descent,but she's been lied to her whole life.

My wife and I couldn't raise a baby at the time. We couldn't afford a nanny. The great depression was just ending when Celeste was born. That was the name Olivia and I chose for her. Clearly her adoptive parents changed it to Allison Cooper. What a strange name. Her name was supposed to have been Celeste Walker and she's suppose to be a Nazi supporter. That's how it should've been. Now she's Allison Cooper and she's a Jew. Well that's what she thinks.

At least I have my son Mason. He's ready to be a Nazi. Olivia and I are so excited. Just two more years. He was born after Celeste. He's sixteen right now. I'm glad we kept him. Not some fake Jew. Who am I kidding? She can't be a Jew! That's not right!
I put the picture of her and the documents of the adoption in my pocket and walked back to the kitchen.

"Is the girl your daughter?" I asked the couple furiously.

"Of course." The man responded. He seemed confused and worried. So did the woman.

"I'm just wondering because she has blue eyes. Jews don't have blue eyes." I told them.

"Well I carried her for nine months. I gave birth to her and gave her the love any mother would give their daughter. She is my daughter." Clearly she was lying to me.

"You and your husband have brown hair and brown eyes. She has black hair and blue eyes." I said.

*Photo of how they both look like*

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*Photo of how they both look like*

Everyone stayed quite.


How dare this soldier ask my parents that! That's so disrespectful. Well then again that's how Nazis are. Right?

"Is this girl a Nazi? Was she kidnapped? Perhaps adopted?" The same soldier asked in a very cold tone. My dad is becoming furious.

"No! She's no Nazi. My daughter is my daughter. She is my seed. She's Jewish it's in her blood. Never say that again." My dad responded furiously.

"Now let me ask you something. What's your name?" The Nazi asked me. Why is he being this way?

"Allison. Allison Cooper." I whispered.

"You sure? Is your name Celeste?" He asked me as he held some document in his hand. I want him to stop talking to me. My parents are getting worried. I can tell.

"Stop talking to my daughter!" My mom yelled. The Nazi started to laugh.

"Just drop it. The girl is our daughter." My dad told him. The Nazi started laughing. He then pulled out a gun. Boom! He shot my dad in the chest.

My dad fell to the ground. Groaning in pain as his hands were holding his chest. My ears started to ring. I felt as if my stomach had dropped. Tears started streaming down my cheeks. Did I just witness that?!

"No!" My mom shouted as she sobbed uncontrollably. He didn't deserve that! Not my dad. Why him? I guess that's it. Its over.

"Alright take them both. Let's go." Another Nazi ordered. That's when they took us.

I'm terrified in the moment. Am I next? Is my mom next? There's not a damn thing we both can do. What now?

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