Chapter two

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    "Then at least give my a better dad!" I grabbed my phone and ran outside in the freezing cold.

    I was so frustrated that I forgot to grab a coat. There was snow covering the ground while there was snow falling from the sky. I looked like an idiot walking around in converse, jeans and a t-shirt.

    I checked my phone and it was 20 degrees outside. I knew I had to get warm but I couldn't go back to the house. I ended calling Logan and asking him to come get me. A few moments later I saw his car pull up.

    He quickly got out and ran over to hug me. I buried my face into his chest. He's hug felt so warm I didn't want to pull away.

     However we soon did and he gave me his coat opening the passenger side door for me. He's car was filled warm air. I put my hand up to the vents trying to warm them up.

     He took me to his house were his mother and father greeted me. I had meet them many times before so they were ok with me staying.

      Logan lead me to his room where it was a complete mess. He quickly threw clothes and shoes under his bed and in his closet. I smiled slightly and Logan saw. He walked over and hugged me tightly. "There's that smile I love"

    I hugged him back burying my face in his chest. I hated my dad for screaming at me. I'm not the one who decided to force my kid into accepting strangers as family. No, my family was Mom, him, and, I.

     I wanted to forget this ever happened and go back to having the life I had. I was glade this was the last day with my dad. My mom picks me up tomorrow and I get to spend the week with her.

     Only her, because she's not forcing me into a new family. I don't even think my mom has been looking for someone else. She just hasn't fully gotten over dad.

      I then pull out of the hug and look up at Logan. Is he going to leave me like my father did my mom? Will he find someone else and get married to her?

     I know it was a long time before I got married, but my parents divorce got me thinking about things like that. I loved Logan a lot and don't want anyone else.

    Yeah I know what your thinking "your only fifth-teen you don't know what love is" or "oh please you'll have plenty of boyfriends before you find the one."

    Yeah I'm fifth-teen doesn't mean I'm stupid and I don't know what love is. I'm sick of people saying those things. I have feelings and I know what they mean.

     Logan then snapped me out of my thoughts by kissing me. "I will always love you" he said.

     His words warmed my heart as they left his mouth.

     He then walked over to his closet and grabbed a t-shirt and sweatpants. He handed it to me and walked to his bathroom to change.

    Logan was tall had some muscle so his t-shirts were like dresses on me. I pulled up the t-shirt to where it came to my stomach and tied it in a side knot.

    I then put on the sweatpants and rolled them up sense I basically was walking on them.

    I looked in the mirror and my eyes were still a little red. I turned on the sink and cupped my hands. I rubbed the water over the face. I then dabbed it dry with the hand towel.

     I opened the door and saw Logan sitting on his bed looking at me. "Yes?" I said looking him up and down. "Don't you think you should at least text him?"

    "No why?" I said walking over to him. "He's been calling and texting you phone none stop." He handed me my phone. "Will it make you feel better?" I asked sitting down beside him.

     "Yes" he said. I signed but grabbed my phone from him looking at the text. He got up and went into the bathroom.


Dad: Scarlet come on

Dad: you know I didn't mean it

Dad: where are you?

Dad: it's freezing outside?

Dad: you only in a t-shirt come home!

Dad: Scarlet you will freeze to Death!

Dad: Scarlet please text back I'm worried.

Dad: why won't you pick up

Dad: Scarlet pick up your phone!

Dad: I'm getting worried I will call the police!

  I rolled my eyes reading all his text.

Scarlet: I'm at Logan's and don't you even think about coming here and bugging his family leave me alone.

   I then turned my phone off because I didn't want him bugging me. Logan walked out of the bathroom wearing sweatpants. He walked over to me and kissed my forehead before laying in bed and turning off the light.

   I cuddled up close to him feeling the warmth of his body. I slowly feel asleep beside him

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