He looked away from me and I got my answer. 

They don't come back.


The clock chimed four times.

Tears welled up in my eyes yet again.

"Don't worry, they're sending another guard to be with you. You'll be safe," Maddon soothed, straightening his uniform.

"It's not me I'm worried about, Maddon," I said and wrapped him in another hug.

A tear rolled down my face and onto his jacket.

"Promise me that you'll come back. Please, Maddon. Please come back," I pleaded.

"I will try my hardest, princess," he said.

"You have to promise. Promise me that you'll come back," I continued.

"I can't," he said, his voice cracking.

"You have to," I said. "For me."

"It is my life duty to serve you, isn't it?" He joked. "We should get going."

We slowly walked out of the room.

"Wait here," I said and ran to my room.

"I want you to have this. As something to fight for. Something to remind you of me while you're gone," I said and placed a golden locket in his hand.

"Thank you, Braelynn," he said and slipped it into the breast pocket of his uniform. Right next to his heart.

We locked eyes for a minute before giving each other another hug.

We walked in silence down the hall, me wiping tears from my face, and Maddon walking steadily beside me.

We were in the servant quarters now. Everyone was giving us weird looks as we passed. I had been down here before, but not as often as I would like.

The supply room door loomed in front of us. Maddon squeezed my hand.

"See you soon," he said.  "In case I don't make it I just want to say that I-"

"Stop. I don't want to hear it. You will come back." I said, determined.

The door opened.

"You coming or what?" a general barked before slamming the door shut and disappearing inside.

Maddon gave me one last look over his shoulder, opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, but shook his head and went inside.

I stood frozen for a couple minutes, not fully processing what was happening. That Maddon was gone. Possibly forever.

The same young boy from my father's office came up behind me. He saw my tear streaked face and I saw his.

"Be safe out there," I said as he passed. He stopped and turned to look at me, surprise evident on his face.

"Thanks," he said and turned around.

"Hey, wait," I called. "When you go in there, find Maddon Crosgrove. Tell him I sent you. He'll take care of you."

The young boy nodded and pushed open the door.

On my way back to the rest of the castle, I passed many other young boys and men heading to the supply room.

I looked over to my right, expecting to see someone to talk to, but instead saw empty space.

Maddon was gone. Possibly forever.

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