"You look nice. That's a first"

"You need to go outside more, you're too pale to be living in Arizona" I shot back.

Alex rolled her eyes and shoved me as she followed Bre into the row where our seats were.

"He's even more handsome in person"

I turned to my sisters who were watching Sidney Crosby talk with someone.

"He's much smaller than I imagined"

They both nodded.

"You know you two aren't whispering" I said.

Alex looked at me.

"It's ok, we're trying our best to embarrass you"

Mom shook her head at them.

"Your speech better be good"

Be looked at me.

"You better thank me, or else I won't go golfing with you anymore"

"You love golfing with me" I told her.

She hummed and pulled her phone out of her clutch.

"Whatever lets you sleep at night Auston"

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see coach.

"Long time no see"

I smiled and stood up. 

"How have you been?"

"I've been good" I replied.

He nodded and squeezed my arm.

"You've lost weight, I don't like it"

I chuckled.

"You look good though"

"Thank you" I told him.

He began talking with dad and I began looking around. The best of the NHL were here, and it felt crazy to be here nominated. My speech was in my pocket, but I'm pretty sure I was going to wing it if I won. 

"It's time to take a seat, the show will start in five"

The ceremony was fast, next thing I knew I was being nudged as clips of the Calder nominees were introduced. 

"And the Calder Memorial Trophy goes to"

There was a camera to my left, so I did my best to not look towards it and look at the stage instead.

"Auston Matthews"

I stood up and hugged my mom who gave me a squeeze.

"Don't choke"

"Thanks Alex" I mumbled as I hugged her.

"Picture everyone in their underwear"

I smiled and gave my little sister a hug before going to hug my dad.

"Auston Matthews is the first Toronto Maple Leaf to win this award since Brit Selby in 1966"

I shook coach's hand and made my way to the stage. Once I was holding the small award I looked at the crowd and took it in. 

"First off congrats to Zach and Patrick on an unbelievable year" I began saying.

I looked towards their direction before continuing.

You guys are great players, fun to watch, fun to compete against"

I took a deep breath.

"My family, my parents, uh thanks for everything you've done for me just to get to this point. I wouldn't be here without you guys" I said.

I shifted a bit as I felt my hands begin to sweat.

"The Toronto Maple LEafs, my teammates"

I paused a bit as the crowd cheered.

"All my teammates,  coaches, management, staff for all the help all year long. Last but not least the city of Toronto, Leafs Nation"

I smiled as the crowd cheered. 

"You guys are the best fans in the league. Thank you" I ended.

I turned towards the woman who led me out of the stage, and once we were backstage I waited for my family. Breyana was the first to get to me.

"You didn't personally thank me, but I'm proud of you big bro"

I smiled and accepted her hug.

"Picture time!"

This was a major accomplishment in my career, and what sucked for me is that I had no one special to celebrate it with. My family was special, but I had hoped Maddy would be here. 

"I'm so proud of you!"

My phone buzzed in my pocket and as we waited for the trophy to be set on the table, I took the time to look at my phone. I had one unread text from Maddy,

Congrats, so proud of you. Glad to see your hard work paid off 😊

"Who knows, maybe the guy will screw up and you'll get her back"

It was my fault that things happened this way. If I had thought with my brain instead of something else, then maybe Maddy would have been by my side at this moment. As much as it sucked that she turned me down, I wished her nothing but the best. If she was happy, then so was I...and that's what love really was, right?


A/N: I always end my stories with a happy ending, and I decided I wanted to try something new. Don't hate me!

Edit: The 'sequel' is up, check it out (or not if you were team Auston). 

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