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Sasuke jumps back, taking a kunai from his pouch and holds it offensively.

He's about to att-

His kunai meets my katana and we both fight for dominance. 


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I jump back first, I couldn't use my full power or even half, because then I would end up blowing my cover. I couldn't lose on purpose though... I needed to formulate a plan.

He attacks me once more not even giving me a chance to gather my thoughts and we connect swords over and over again, each of us fighting for a way to get the upper hand.

The fight gets heated and sensing this Kakashi screams from afar, "No weapons," and without even pausing for a moment we drop our weapons and continue with hand to hand combat

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The fight gets heated and sensing this Kakashi screams from afar, "No weapons," and without even pausing for a moment we drop our weapons and continue with hand to hand combat.

Sasuke lands a punch at my gut and I roll back and he propels his foot forward extremely fast ready to land a hard kick to my shoulder.

I grab his foot and twist it around using that momentum to lift myself off the ground and place Sasuke on it.

Sensing that the fight will not end in his favor if we continue like this he jumps back and gets into a defensive position.

I continue forward landing punches and kicks at such a fast speed that all Sasuke can do is block the blows.

Finally I stop to catch my breath and Sasuke sensing an opening, does a roundhouse kick and sends me flying a couple feet, which I flail a little before landing in a backflip.

He gets on the offensive and throws a punch to my head, which I dodge and kick his knee making him buckle and fall.

Before he has a chance to do anything I pull my katana from the ground and hold it up to his neck, signaling that I won.

Naruto claps excitedly and Kakashi looks impressed.

Sakura looks visibly upset and Sasuke looks disappointed in himself.

He was a an amazing fighter, and even without the Sharingan I knew he possessed, he was incredibly fast and could predict my movements.

With some new jutsu and extra training he could eventually rival me, no he could become even stronger than me.

Naruto runs up to me and gives me a fist bump. "It's about time someone showed him that he wasn't better than anyone."

I give a warm smile, and I see Sasuke glare our way obviously listening in to our conversation.

"He's an amazing fighter, and almost got me a couple times." I didn't want to make him feel bad and it was the truth, so maybe a little backhanded compliment could mend his soft ego a little.

"Alright Team 7 don't forget our first mission is tomorrow so meet at the hokage's office at 9:30 am sharp."


Back at home I chill on the sofa reading a book and my dad walks through the door.

"Hey daddy!" I run into his arms and give him a huge hug.

He gives a chuckle and hugs back, "Hey babygirl. How did you like the team?"

I jump back on the couch and he heads to the kitchen probably to make some dinner.

"They were ehh. The blond one is kind of annoying always blabbing about wanting to become the Hokage, but he seems like he could make a good friend and become really strong one day. Sakura is annoying too and she's really weak. I hate her the most to be honest." I say telling him my feelings on the team I was forced to join.

"Huh, I thought you would bond with Sakura because she is the only girl."He chops some tomatoes on the counter.

"Yeah but all she does is talk about Sasuke." I complain.

He gives a chuckle, "You didn't tell me your first impression of Sasuke.."

I put down the book and focus on talking to my dad.

"He's way stronger than I thought, which I expected from the last remaining Uchiha. He could become an amazing shinobi worthy of his last name if he trains hard."

"I saw you struggling from not being able to use your full potential."

"Yeah that was kind of tough. I can't wait to not have to hide who I really am."

He pauses from cooking and we make eye contact.

"I thought you liked S ranked missions where you had a cover. You said they were more 'fun'."

"Well, yeah but not with my own comrades who I'm supposed to trust with my life."

He sighs and continues on with the chopping of vegetables, "What's up with your mission tomorrow?"

"Uhhhh we just have to assassinate like three people in a hideout in the Hidden Sand. Apparently they're collectors who hold bounties over successful ninjas' heads. I have to bring my whole squad to watch which is such a hassle. Third told me that none of them can kill any of the targets and that they can only watch, which I mean, then what's the point of bring  seven extra people along. They're just gonna slow me down." I vent my frustrations and my dad listens carefully while pouring everything he chopped up into a pot on the stove.

"I think that instead of thinking of them as dead weight that you should think about their talents and how they can help you without having to assassinate any of the targets. Remember I was a captain of a squad back in the anbu and there are a lot of amazing sensory ninja who come through."

I sigh and nod.

"I mean.. there are couple who can help."

"Listen Y/N I know how independent you are but this is the first rookie team that you have which is why they are there to observe you. They are there to learn from you and you must not think like a child or act like one during that mission. They don't know the ropes of the Anbu so take their questions seriously. I know you'll do great, ok?"

"I got it dad." I get back to reading my book.

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