Roommate 0.1

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"So, the kitchen is here, the bathroom's here, and your bedroom's here." Your new roommate Noah says showing you around your new home.

"Thank you." You say carrying your bags into your bedroom. "Thank you for letting me stay here for the semester. I did not want to live in a dorm again. I did that for four years already." You say laughing.

"Yeah, I didn't want to live on campus, during graduate school. Also, now that you are in medical school, you are going to want to be focused." Noah advises.

"Yup, that's exactly why I'm here. Thank you again." You say smiling.

"Now, that I've talked your ear off enough, I'll let you unpack." He says walking out of your room.

But before you could even open up your suitcase, Noah knocks on your door, which makes you laugh as he apologizes say, "I know that I said I was going to leave, but I just wanted to tell you that a few friends of mine will be coming over tonight. If we get too loud, just tell me, and we can go out somewhere."

"Thank you for telling me, but I'm sure you guys will be fine. I mean, I grew up in New York City, if your noise bothers me, then you guys are really loud." You joke.

"Okay, now I will leave you alone." Noah says, closing the door behind him.

You shake your head, and laugh lightly to yourself at your new roommate dorkiness. After about a half an hour of unpacking, you lay down on your bed and just take a deep breath out, grab your phone and call your friend.

"Hey babe." She says immediately when she answers, "How's the new apartment?"

"It's awesome, Noah is an absolute sweetheart also. I think you two would be good together." You say wiggling your eyebrows, even though she can't see you.

"Well, I'd love to come visit, but you are never not studying. But, wait, that would actually work, you can study and I'll be with your roommate." She says laughing, obviously joking around.

"I miss you though. It's going to be weird coming home and you're not here. Who am I supposed to come and rant to about how awful a date was that night?" You ask.

"You can call me. But, hey! You have a male roommate now, so he must have some friends and at least one of them has to be hot and nice."

"We'll see. His friends are coming over tonight." You say.

"You better take a peak and not stay in your room then." She advises.

"I will, I will."

"Okay, now you get your cute butt up and fix your hair and makeup cute and get yourself out there when his friend come over okay? And tell me how it goes." She says.

"I will, I will." You repeat, "Love you babe, and talk to you soon."

"Love you too, and you know it."

After you and your friend hang up, you slip under the covers and grab your book and begin to read. After about fifteen minutes, you hear the front door of the apartment open and guys come through and the close. You think about getting up, but you are so comfortable that you don't want to leave your bed. You then close your eyes for only a few minutes, but then fall asleep. You didn't you fell asleep until you jumped when you heard your door bang open.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry." A tall brunette boy apologizes. "I did not mean to, uh, I thought this was the bathroom, but it's obviously not. Also, I'm a little drunk, I'm sorry. Uh, I'll leave you alone, have a good night." He says awkwardly closing the door.

You are so tired that you're not even mad and lay back down on your bed and fall right back to sleep. The next morning, you wake up feeling refreshed, which is comforting to you as this is your new home and you slept well the first night. When you walk out into the kitchen, you see the boy who accidently walked into your room last night. He looks up and sees you and smiles shyly says,

"About last night, sorry again. I was drunk and couldn't find the bathroom."

"No, no, no, it's fine. I'm new here, and I'm pretty sure sober I wouldn't be able to find the bathroom." You joke.

"Ah, yes, you're the new roommate! Noah has told us about you, Y/N right?" He asks.

"Yup, that's me." You smile, walking over the fridge to grab milk for your cereal.

"I'm Harry." He introduces himself, putting his hand out for you to shake.

"It's very nice to meet you, Harry." You smile, shaking his hand looking him in the eyes. Without even thinking you blurt out, "You have really green eyes."
After you say that, you face turns pink in embarrassment, and you ramble, "Oh my God, I don't even know why I said that. I'm sorry."

Harry chuckles at your embarrassment, and says, "It's fine, I get that a lot about my eyes. Wait, I didn't mean that in a cocky way, I mean, never mind." Harry rambles looking down at the coffee he's drinking.

"Well I see you two have finally met each other." Noah says walking into kitchen.

"Or should I say, Harry you have finally met Y/N sober, and when you are not scaring her to death by barging into her room at 2am." Noah jokes nudging into Harry.

"Again, I'm really sorry." Harry says.

"Don't worry about it, honestly." You say, taking a bite of your cereal.

"Uh, so I'm going to head out. Thanks for the drinks last night, Noah, and letting me stay over." Harry says getting up.

"Hey no problem man, see you tonight." Noah says.

"Yeah tonight." Harry says looking over at you. "I'm having a party at my place, and you're more than welcome to come."

You'd be lying to yourself if you said you didn't want to go, or that you didn't find Harry cute, but you say, "I still have a lot to do moving in here, if I'm free I'll stop by."

You see a flash of disappointment go across Harry's face, which he tries to hide, but you saw it and it causes you to say, "Actually, I should be able to, I don't have a lot of work left to do here."

Harry smiles and you see a bit of excitement in his face that he quickly tries to hide, "Well, if you're free, I'd love to have you over." Harry says.
Noah clears his throat jokingly, which causes Harry to say, "And you too Noah. I guess." Harry jokes.

"Alright, well hopefully I'll see you both tonight." Harry saying walking out, not taking his eyes off you, but you just smile at him and go back to eating your cereal.

"You should go to the party. I can help you today with moving in, and tomorrow. It will help you meet new people. Especially Harry, he's a really good guy. My advice to you with medical school, study but also live." Noah advice walking into his room.

You think about what Noah says, and finish up your cereal, rinse off the bowl and spoon and put it into the dish washer. You back to your room, and pull out your favorite outfit, it's the outfit that makes you feel the most beautiful, the most confident. You lay it out on your bed and send a picture to your friend without saying anything. She texts back immediately saying, "Tonight's going to be a good night."

You smile and chuckle lightly at the emojis that she puts after that, and you say to yourself,

"Tonight's going to be a good night."



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