"why does anyone have to be naked?"

Start from the beginning

Impossible, he's too beautiful to really even put into words- he has to know that.  Has to!  None of the paintings the students do today will not be able to do him justice.

"It's art Niall, I can't paint you with clothes on."  Harry walks up to him and whispers, trying to calm the panic setting in.  Because it is panic, damn it he should have told him, should have prepared him.  He curses the selfish part of him that really just wanted an excuse to see Niall naked. 

"Uh, yes you can.  People do it all the time.  Most paintings that have people in them have them wearing clothes."  He stresses, his hands are now fidgeting with the bottom of his shirt twisting the material in nervous fingers.

"Okay, true but this- it's just about the male body- we aren't checking you out.  We're not judging you or anything like that."  Harry walks closer and whispers to Niall, "And if you don't do this then you don't get paid."  The art students around them are setting up their canvases, angling their easels, and adding paint to their palette, getting ready to paint Niall.

"Can I leave my pants on?"  Niall hisses out and Harry looks over to the professor, she's talking with one of the other students.

"I don't think so, maybe?  I thought I told you this was about the male form?"  And he did, he knows he did, he also had guessed that Niall might not have known what he was in for.  And damn it there is the guilt again, but he really doesn't have the money to loan out and this really had seemed like the perfect solution.

"You didn't tell me I was going to have to be naked!  What the fuck, Harry?"  And Harry feels like he's getting yelled at but Niall's voice is barely above a whisper.

"Niall, why are you nervous?  You're fucking gorgeous."  At that Niall shoulders lose all their tension and he looks up at Harry amazed eyes wide like he can't believe what Harry just said.  Like he's surprised?  Does he not know?

"What?" He murmurs and it's like his body has lost all its sharpness and he's just fuzzy around the edges and Harry wants to pull him in and cuddle him and keep him like this forever.  But to be honest he fights that urge a lot.

"Have you looked at yourself, you are a work of art, those shoulders, the muscles in your back, God your arse is to die for."  Harry speaks softly, less any of the other students, or god forbid the instructor, hear him.  They don't speak for a while just keep looking at each other, green eyes and blue eyes holding-communicating in their own way.  And Harry's day is definitely looking up.

"Mr. Styles if you would step back from the model and prepare your station."  The professor's voice pulls both of them out of the trance that they seem to have fallen into.  He's always respected the professor and she seems nice- at least Harry has always thought so, but now the idea of her and all these people seeing Niall naked is making Harry just as nervous as Niall. Maybe this was a bad idea. He doesn't really like the thought any more-

"Professor, he was just wondering," And he pauses as the instructor comes forward and Niall finishes the question.

"Can I leave my pants on?"  And his voice wavers a little and Harry feels that stabbing guilt again but really he thought that Niall knew or at least could figure it out.  Anyone coming to model for an art class would know that they would need to be naked right?  At least now it makes sense why Niall asked what he should wear last night when they were done at the pub.

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