"Dino." It came out stern, Dino stopped, his hand on the handle. "You will find someone else, Tsuna just isn't the one for you."

Dino's grip tightened, "You'll understand how I feel when your heart is torn in two." As he opened the door more, tears came pouring down his face.

Reborn silently pulled his fedora down, Leon licked his masters cheek once more in comfort. "Idiot student of mine..." He whispered to himself, "Of course I know how it feels."

The door shut.


"Mama!" A small brunette yelled cheerfully, "Mama, look what I made!" Her chubby fingers held up a large flower crown, it was sloppily made but it looked perfect to the mother it was being shown to.

"It's beautiful Tsuna!" Nana commented joyfully as she picked up Tsuna from under the armpits, Tsuna shirked in the sudden act and tightly held onto the flower crown. "Papa's going to love it!" Tsuna puffed her cheeks.

"But Tsuna made it for Mama! Not Papa!" Nana giggled as she sat down in the grass, with Tsuna in her lap. "Tsuna made this one for Mama, but now Tsuna will make one for Papa!"

Nana smiled gently and put on the flower crown, the warm summer air made her feel like she could do anything. "Yes yes, do you want Mama to help you?" Tsuna's response was nodding rapidly. "Alright, Mama will help!"

Together, the two gathered flowers and stems to make the flower crown with, both of them decided on the color orange. Nana's was yellow, as her smiles shown like the sun itself. Nana let Tsuna weave the stems together as Nana put in the flowers, both of them kissed every flower before they put them on.

"For good luck! Papa needs it!" Tsuna tilted her head to the side, Nana noticed and added, "Papa has a dangerous job. he needs all the luck we can give him!" Tsuna's eyes glistened, her honey eyes getting an orange tone.

"T-then... Tsuna will put all her luck into the pretty flowers!" She grabbed a flower gently, "For Papa!" She kissed the flower messily, Nana laughed at what her daughter was doing.

Once they were done with the flower crown, both girls decided to head back to their small house down at the base of the hill. Their house wasn't big, it was pretty small. They only had three people living in there as of the moment, there was only about two rooms in the house, perfect of the amount of people they had living in there. One of the residents was gone most of the time, only coming home on the weekends and sometimes during the night on some days of the week. His job was a few towns over, so traveling everyday just to get home was pricey. Even if he did get paid a lot every week, Nana insisted on him just saying in a hotel or staying with one of his friends there. It was easier for everyone, even if Nana and Tsuna both missed him most of the time. But when he was home they made it worth the wait.

Nana hummed as she washed the pots and pans, both her and Tsuna had just finished cooking dinner. They had moved everything to plates so Nana could get the pots soaked and rinsed. Nana sighed at the thought of dinner tonight, her husband, Sawada Iemitsu was coming home tonight. It was a Friday night which meant that he was coming home for the weekend, and he hasn't called yet which meant that he wasn't staying late. Nana smiled happily at the thought of Iemitsu coming home. How she had missed him, even if it had only been about five days since she last saw him, Nana wasn't one to go a few days without seeing her lover.

Her bed always felt so cold.

"Mama!" Tsuna yelled out suddenly, "Someones at the door!" Nana turned, wiping her hands on her apron and she walked towards the door, it couldn't be Iemitsu, he always barged in and announced that he was home. He never waited for them to answer the door. Nobody else ever visited their small home, they lived away from the village.

Childhood | Short Story | Discontinued Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя