Escape The Maze

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The Maze~Near The Griever Hole~40 Minutes Later
"Everybody, this way! Keep it up, guys, we're almost there!" Thomas yelled as we followed him and Minho to the Griever hole.

I was towards the middle/back of the group running with Newt and watching Chuck. Thomas stopped us just before we turned the corner to enter the corridor leading to our escape from the maze.

We all stayed with our backs against the wall looking at Thomas as he peered around the corner. "Is it a Griever?" Little Chuck asked. Thomas looked back at us and nodded.

"Yeah," He said. "Shit," Newt whispered. Thomas looked at me. "Take this, Chuck. Stay behind us," Thomas handed the key to Chuck.

Chuck looked a bit nervous so I was about to offer to say behind with Chuck when Teresa beat me to it. "It's okay. Just stick with me," Teresa said with her hand on Chuck's shoulder and looked at me.

"Your fighting and running skills are needed up in the front. Chuck will be safe with me," She said to me. I nodded, still not sure if I wanted to leave Chuck alone. Newt grabbed my hand.

"He'll be safe with Teresa, baby girl," He whispered in my ear. "Once we're through, it will activate and the door will open," Thomas began the motivational speech.

"We stay close, we stick together... we get through this," I said, I wasn't even sure what would happen. "We get out now... or we die trying," Thomas and I said together. Our voices stern and our faces brave. How many people would we lose before we made it out?

"Ready?" Thomas asked us and we nodded. "All right. Let's go!" He yelled and we ran around the corner. Newt slightly behind me as we started fighting the Griever.

Henry fell to the ground after tripping. "Get up, look out! Push it!" I yelled as I sliced at the Griever's leg with one hand and shot at it with the other.

"Look out!" Thomas yelled. And we ducked away from the stinger. "The key!" Chuck yelled and went after the key. "Chuck! Watch the edge!" I yelled after him.

He slid and caught the key but was know hanging off the edge. We managed to the push the Griever to the edge. "Oh no," He said as he looked down over the ledge.

"I got you, Chuck," Teresa said as she struggled to hold on to him. "Pull me up!" Chuck yelled. I looked at them. "Come on!" I yelled towards them.

"Thomas! Samantha!" Chuck yelled towards us while running with Teresa and pointed towards the on coming Grievers.

"Chuck?" Thomas asked and looked at him. "We got more coming!" Minho shouted. "Keep it steady, guys!" Thomas yelled. We pushed Teresa and Chuck behind us as we fended off the Grievers.

"It works!" Chuck yelled as the dead end of the corridor opened up, but not the door. "Teresa, go!" Thomas yelled at her. She ran with Chuck to the door an they tried to open it.

"Don't back down! Keep pushing! Stay together!" Thomas yelled as we kept the Grievers from getting to Chuck and Teresa. "There's gotta be a way out! Come on!" Teresa yelled.

"Watch it!" I yelled and dodged a Griever tail.
"Get that door open, Teresa!" Newt yelled. "It won't open! Thomas! There's a code!" Teresa yelled.

"Eight numbers!" She yelled again. The eight sections of the maze? "Eight sections of the maze. Hey, Minho! Samantha! What's the sequence?" Thomas asked him.

"What?" We replied and I shot at the Griever near him. "The sections of the maze, what's the sequence?" Thomas asked.

"Seven! One! Five! Two! Six! Four!" Minho shouted. "Heads up!" Thomas screamed and Minho got tackled by a Griever. We backed up some.

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