As the boats hit the water and the crew starts to row, I keep my eyes on the approaching shore with a predatory focus. "You will stay with me. You will not do anything stupid, do not try to save anyone. We aren't heroes, we're pirates. People will die tonight, people will lose fortunes, and you have to be okay with that," I say to Draen without looking away. I feel rather than see him nod in response. I'll keep my eye on him best I can tonight, I don't want him to get hurt and I don't want him to have to kill anyone. I know how haunting it can be.

The boat jolts as we hit the sand in the shallows of the sea. Two crewmen from each boat hope out and start to pull us further up the sand, once nearly three quarters of the boat is on the shore, they stop pulling. We launch over the sides and splash into the water with practiced moves. Keeping low to the ground, we run silently over the beach and begin to split off. A large group will attract too much attention. Five members stay back with the rowboats as the rest disperse into the night. Ren jogs ahead of me while Andreas stays at my back and the prince at my side.

The capital city is quiet at night, the only sounds are crickets chirping and the rare sound of a dog barking. We run on silent feet on the cobblestones until we reach a warehouse. I signal for us to stop as Ren scales the building. She peers into a second story window and I watch as she attempts to open the window. When she doesn't succeed at first, a dagger appears in her hand. Ren wiggles it under the window before trying to open it again. This time, it slides up easily and she slips in. We wait in silence for one minute... two minutes. I shift from foot to foot impatiently, chomping on my lip while I do.

Suddenly, the door opens and Ren walks out with a smile on her face, she checks both ways for people before trotting across the street to us and giving me a single nod. Empty, then. Good, I think with a smirk. I grab a vial of Hellfire from my belt. "Let's light 'em up," I grin before chucking the glass bottle at the open door. I watch the green liquid with the eerie glow sail through the air. It's tight, but my aim sings true and the bottle goes in the building. I hear the distinct sound of glass shattering and then hell breaks loose. The building explodes with a deafening roar as the windows blow out and wood splinters.

Then shouts begin. My crew will head to some of the nobles houses for pillaging. No honest businesses will be harmed but banks are fair game. Anyone who can afford to lose, unfortunately, is up for grabs for the crew. Like I said to Draen, we aren't heroes or vigilantes, we're pirates. The four of us -- Draen, Ren, Andreas, and myself -- will head to different locations.

The fire leaps higher in the sky as we dart away. I grab the second vial and lob it in an arch over the city, wishing for the best wherever it lands. The key to a good raid is chaos, and let me say, chaos will ensue. The city seems to come alive with the fires. People running out of their homes, shouting names of loved ones, glass shattering, laughter between my crew members as they dash across streets and into homes. I see fire in the home of a nobleman and the shout of and older gentlemen. I smell smoke mixed with sea salt.

A woman falls before my feet in her terror, I skip over her without a second glance. We run through the streets until the jail comes into view. I skip to a halt at the door and begin running my hands over it. I push against it. When it doesn't giveaway, I use the heel of my boot and kick it down. Draen starts at the sound, looking around for someone who may have heard. I put my hand on his arm to reassure him. "Everyone knows we're here, no point in being subtle now," I say with a wink before I stride into the musty building.

It's only a local jail, the main prison is held far inland, so the building is just one floor with cells lining the walls, one hallway smack down the center of the cells. The inmates leap to their feet when the door bangs against the wall. Some latch onto the bars of their cell and some slam their backs as far from us as they can. I walk the length of the room, examining the people as I go. I grab the ring of keys hanging from a hook on the far wall. I don't speak as I twirl the ring around my hand. I can see some of the prisoners practically drooling at the sight of them. I smile to myself under the mask. Pitching my voice low, I ask, "what are you in for?" I am not asking anyone in particular. There is a beat of silence, everyone seeming to be afraid to answer me.

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