New mare

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A young girl with long blonde hair was brushing her black mare with red hair lights as she jumped to hear a loud neigh from a horse not far from the stables. As she puts down the brush she soon grabbed the rope as she tied it to her mare and slowly walked her out to the other horses.

        "Hey, Guys! What's going on?" The girl asks as she notices a large black mare thrashing about trying to get out of the rope.

        "Will found this Mare wondering about close to the ranch, and decided to catch it." A boy with long brown hair walked up to her.

        "But I don't think it's happy to be out of the wild." He says as they both turned to the mare who was now being pulled towards a small pole as they tied the mare to it. She neighed and looked at the ranchers walk away as they shut the gate and stared at the prized black beauty.

        "So what is her name?" the girl asks as the boy shakes his head and walks over to one of the ranchers who was little older with blonde hair as stared at the mare.

        "Hey Will! What are you going to name her?" the boy asks as Will smiles.

        "Well she is not kind like a beauty so I may as well call her Luna." the male says as the mare looks up at him and narrows her black eyes. 

        "It's OK girl," Will reassures the female but gets a loud neigh from it.

        "Don't want to speak, OK then" the male soon walks with the other riders as the Mare soon shut her eyes.


Luna's POV

 As soon as I shut my eyes I heard a small chuckle from below as I looked down to see a German Shepard , a small grey cat, and a black and white pig with a small pink bow.

        "Hello, Luna. My name is Shep," the old dog barked as I looked away from him.

        "And I'm Angora," The she-cat jumped up onto the fence as I  yowled at her. She jumps off with her fur sticking up as she frowns at me.

        "And I'm Teeny" the pig oinked as I rolled my eyes.

        "What do you little pests want," I finally said. Already annoyed by their voices. They stared at me with a puzzled look as I turned my gaze away.

        "Come I think we should let this mare alone for now," Shep barks as they all walk away and head towards the other horses. They all stared at me with a confused look as I start to thrash around the rope trying to break it off. But failed knowing it was stuck for good.

        "Hey! You're not going to break the rope, Luna" I hear a female voice as I turned to see a black mare with red hair-lights.

        "You must love it here, pet." I scowled at her as she was taken back a little.

        "My name is Scarlette and please we only want you to feel welcome you to Horseland," Scarlette spoke as I neighed at her and looked at her with my black orbs.

        "I don't need to be welcome, this is a prison for me." my aggressiveness got higher as I spoke as the black mare backed up.

        "Leave me alone, and just watch once tomorrow hits, I'll be gone" I chuffed at her before looking away and started eating the grass.

'Now I know how Spirit felt when he got caught,' I sighed thinking of the stallion that stood next to the Indian spotted mare. Rain. She was very friendly and cared for the fillies and colts when they were born. Even when her own was born. It was a small colt which looked both of his mother and father. Storm was his name, good colt. Born a natural leader.

        I smiled as I thought about how I first met him, he was playing with the other colts when I looked over with my mother who was a solid black and white mare who had brown eyes. We were new in the herd, but we were welcomed instantly.  My father was always with Spirit, and I mean always, when he got the chance. I didn't know what they would talk about but, I still don't understand even today. I walked closer to the group of Colts as they stopped and looked at me with a puzzled expression as I neighed quietly to them. I then made a little hole into the ground with my hooves. To let them know I wasn't going to hurt them or how I just wanted to talk to them.

        They looked at one another and laughed/neighed and ran off as I looked down and ran back to my mother who just smiles. Storm, however, was still there looking at me with his bright blue eyes and tossed his head as if gesturing me as I slowly walked over to him and gladly ran with him.

         Many moons passed. We grew up, he was a strong stallion and I was a fierce mare. But we still had that friendship. But now with me here. I have nothing but my rude attitude towards the strangers.

        "Well let's see if they can handle me,' I smiled thinking about it as I closed my eyes and let the sun blaze down on me.

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