Mulai dari awal

"Hi sweetheart." He said lifting her in his arms while she continued to giggle.

"Daddy's little girl." Harrison heard Carrie murmur as Justin went to hug both his mother and brother.

"Oh! I'm so glad your okay." Dorothy exclaimed dramatically with her arms before going to the small family who were all at the door.

"Were great." Carrie told her. "Thank you once again for taking care of them.." Carrie mentioned as Harrison,Justin, and her took off their costs hanging them on the rack.

"Presents!" Zac shouted once his coat was fully taken off with help by Harrison. He then joined his siblings on the carpet looking at all the gifts. Each one was wrapped with gold, navy, and purple wrapping paper done with help from Dorothy. Each child's present was color coordinated so they knew who's was who's and they wouldn't open the wrong one.

"Alright I'm going to go finish the lunch I made and we can open presents!" Dorothy told her family as she went back to the kitchen.

"Your mothers the best." Carrie said as Harrison wrapped his arm around her shoulders bringing them to the living room where they saw their children still at the tree.

Sitting down on the couch in Harrison's arms Carrie could've gone right to sleep heading the fire crackle and the smell of cinnamon burning in the air from the candle nearby.

- - -

A yawn escaped Kathleen mouth as she laid on Harrison after she had opened all their presents. Kathleen had probably the most fun because she didn't only get presents but she got to tear them apart even for one of her older brothers.

"I think someone is ready for a nap." Harrison said as Carrie glanced at Harrison getting up and lifting Kathleen into his arms.

"But I want more cocoa!" She protested while Harrison walked to the tree where his wife and two boys sat by the fire watching a movie.

"You need a nap baby then we will go out and take a walk."  Carrie said helping Harrison out. Thanks he mouthed while Kathleen gave up and had let her head fall to Harrison's shoulder.

"We'll be back.." he informed his wife and sons as he brought Kathleen to her room filled with Christmas decorations including a small tree lit up.

"Promise you will wake me up?" Kathleen questioned Harrison as he laid her on her twin bed pulling the covers on her.

"I promise baby." He told her leaning down and kissing her warm forehead.

"Are you sick, sweetheart?" He asked the four year old who looked worried at the thought of being sick.

"No daddy, I can't be!" She exclaimed now sitting up in the bed before she let out a hard cough.

"It's okay.. it's okay." Harrison told her as she continued to cough while Harrison patted her back.

"I need to go get you medicine I'll be right back." He told her as she sat there watching him go to the bathroom across from her bedroom.

"Here take this." He told her trying to give her a spoonful of kids medicine.

"No!" She shot at him earning a look from Harrison that told her that wasn't right.

"Kathleen, you gotta take the medicine." He explained. "It'll help you go to bed."

"No!" She said shaking her head earning a laugh from Carrie in the doorway who had been watching this exchange.

"Baby, you have to take it." She told her. "Or no walk later!" She warned her knowing she would give up and take the medicine.

"All right." She said as Harrison put the spoon affectionately in her mouth before she exclaimed "yuck!"

"Alright we will see you in a bit." Carrie told Kathleen as she took Harrison hand and walked them out of the bedroom. Harrison looked at Carrie knowing she was up to something but couldn't quite get it.

"Zac's asleep, Justin's in his room, and your mom just left." She told him with a smirk. Harrison looked at her knowing what she was up to and smiled saying, "Do you know what we can do?" He asked her before she started a slow kiss...


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