First Kiss (Skylox)

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My name is Tyler Lox, but I would rather be called Ty. Today was going to be a special one... I hope. I have written a letter to the one person I've been crushing on for a while. His name was Adam Dahlberg or Sky by his closest friends. I left the letter in his locker. In the letter I told him to meet me on the roof, but I didn't leave my name on it.

*Ring Ring*

That was the last bell for today. I could finally go to the roof. I grabbed my bag and run up to the roof. I opened the door and no one was there. I walked up to the metal fence that kept distance from me and the 4 foot drop. I looked out among the school entrance. The Cherry blossoms looked amazing falling from the branches as the sun's orange, red and yellow rays bounced everywhere. As I was looking at the beautiful sight the door behind me opened.

"Ty? What are you doing here?" Adam said smiling his cute smile that was so dreamy, it could make anyone melt.

" I wan-"

"Were you the person who put the letter in my locker?"

"Um... Yeah."

"What did you want to talk about?"

"I-I don't k-know how to say it." I stuttered.

"You are so cute when you stutter. You know that?"

"T-thanks. Did you know that your smile is real dreamy?" I said blushing a light pink.

"Thanks." He said laughing and blushing a bit.

I decided to take a sit on the floor.

"Can I join you?"


He sat real close to me which I was total okay with. I need to just tell him that I like him, but I have such a problem saying it.

"Ty, Can I tell you something?"


"There's this person I like and I want to show them that I really like them. How do you think I should do it?"

He already likes someone! And he's asking me how to get that person. I felt the tears trying to escape my eyes. I guess I shouldn-

"Ty! Why are you crying!?"

I felt a bit enraged and I stood up causing Adam to stand up.

"I-I'm crying because I like you and you just expected me to help hook you up with someone else when I've totally fallen for you!" I said banging on his chest.

"Wait, Ty!"

"No! no!" I could feel the tears stream down my face faster and I couldn't stop crying. I really liked Adam maybe even more than that?


I had completely stop crying. I didn't want to look him in the eye, so I kept my head down.

"I'm going home, there's no reason in staying if y-"

Adam grabbed me and made me look into his green-hazel eyes. His eyes were beautiful. After staring into each other eyes he did the unexpected. He kissed me. His lips were soft and tender. I could feel all the passion. He tasted minty fresh. The kiss lasted a minute... I think. He pulled away.

"I've liked you for such a long time, but I didn't confess to you because I thought you wouldn't like me back!"

"I've always liked you since 8th grade."

"Since 9th for me."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Go for it."

"Will y-you go out with me, Adam?"

"Of course, Ty!"

We kissed again. More tenderly than the last.

"That was my first kiss. Well my second..."

"Me too... Ty would you join me in watching the sunset together?" Adam said blushing.

"I would love too."

Adam sat down and patted his lap. I sat in Adam's lap, laying my head on his shoulder.

"This was the best day ever!"

"I'm happy it turned out this way."

I was starting to feel my eyes close. Adam kissed my forehead. The last thing I heard was "Good night, my love."


Kawaii Skylox desu! :3

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