She just stared him blankly. He bet she was planning his murder. His thumbs were now stroking her knee, he found it a good anxiety buster.

"Why are you even asking?" He asked in defeat not being able to describe her. She was not made for describing.

She inched closer, her knees touched the rusted trailer behind him now. Manik's hands had raised on its nail now.

"Because I think you don't think at all," She replied and he furrowed his nose not understanding.

"You just go quiet and that's stupid," She was never mild.

"I do think," He asserted.

"I kinda overthink, I guess," He said unsure. She was busy brushing his tiny hair now.

Her wisps touched his face as she reached his rear hair. She was so close. She stole a glance as he looked at her face.

"You lied when you said you love me," She accused and he looked horrified.

"Nooo, I didn't," He was now on verge to hurt his spine by going more vertical.

"Why would you say that?" He asked baffled. His hands now rested on her waist. She bit her lip before she dared to speak her mind.

"Then why won't you kiss me?" She asked over his nose. He looked as if he had gone on mental tour before he closed his agitated mouth. He had forgotten to change his expression though.

"I do want to," He replied almost inaudibly. Her thumb was already tracing his jawline. How could he let her know what she does to him when he was too naive to even word it.

"Kiss me," She commanded and then sat there giving him all the time to gather his courage to exercise what he wanted equally. Manik gazed her hued face intently before he lifted her petite frame to free his legs. Her knees touched rust of trailer while he came on his knees. Wind played some heavy music just to propel his desire better. He tucked her crazy wisps behind her ear while she raised on her knees meeting his stance.

"It all sounds so wrong when this is the most right thing I ever felt," He murmured curving his hand around her jaw.

"Shhh.." She stopped horses of his brain before they ruin it all.

"Just don't think," She said and he closed his eyes just to open them again when he was just an inch away from her.

"I love you," He murmured before his lips touched hers so tenderly that it hurt. It was like a sting which would flow across each your pore.

Their lips found their own accord as brains went numb. Nandini clutched collar of his uniform just to push him on rusty iron beneath. He took her weight as she was the most precious thing ever and she discovered the no land so that he could follow. Sun was turning cold while it bent to kiss the horizon. He parted while she breathed heavily. His lips pecked her lips again as if it was necessary to testify the moment.

Throwing his head to meet the iron bed, he gazed her chaotic face. She placed her head on his chest while he gathered her for minutes they were left with.


"Open Raghav's room and clean it," Daadu ordered the servant. His voice held excitement. Nandini's mother halted listening Daadu's command.

"Raghav's room?" She double checked.

"Aparna is coming," Daadu revealed excitedly. His smile could tell how excited he was to host his younger daughter in law.

"It's been so long to see her," Mrs Murthy said smiling a bit.

"Long 4 years," Daadu confirmed and they both stood there as if fetching some files from past. Smile didn't leave their faces as they processed the news.

"Make sure everything is of her choice," Daadu requested and Mrs Murthy nodded.

He walked aimlessly not knowing how to hold the happiness. Last time Aparna came there, it hadn't gone well on her. She never returned in four years was alibi. Now when she had called to tell that she was coming for few days, Daadu couldn't fathom the moment.

"Nandiniii," He called not knowing how to hold it anymore without sharing it with love of his life. He was ascending the stairs when servant told him how Nandini hadn't returned.

"Oh yes," He remembered and walked to his room.

Mr Murthy walked out of his study room and halted seeing the hustle in house.

"Who has opened that room?" He yelled seeing Raghav's room opened.

"I asked who opened that room?" He yelled and Mrs Murthy walked out of that room worried.

"Why are you shouting?" She asked.

"You opened that room?" He was ready to charge her.

"Your father asked me to," She replied.

"Aparna is coming," She informed and anger flew away from Mr Murhy's face. He stood there unmoved as he processed the given piece of information.

"Aparna is coming?" He asked and Mrs Murthy nodded with a smile.

"She never wanted to come here," He was amused.

"Papa told me that she called," Mrs Murthy revealed.

"Make sure everything is of her choice," Mr Murthy asked her wife and she smiled broadly.

Mr Murthy left for his study with a smile not leaving his face. Out of sudden, they all had got a place where they could stand on same ground.

Nandini entered to see her mother glued to her place gazing floor with a smile. She found it amusing as it was a rare scene how her mother was adoring something at least.

"Mom," She called to break her reverie. Mrs Murthy looked at her.

"You alright?" Nandini asked as she took the first step.

"I am fine," Mrs Murthy replied and proceeded towards kitchen.

"Rishi is coming back in two days," She informed and Mrs Murthy halted. She looked shocked. Nandini had something to simper about. Her brother had called her as first person to inform how he was returning to India.

"Can't be," Mrs Murthy stated, "He didn't tell me."

"He told me," Nandini replied and advanced to her room. She was too raw to even realize how there was too much happening in her favor.

"Your aunt is coming tonight," Her mother yelled from downstairs. Nandini turned around listening to it.

"Your Daadu informed," She added and walked away. Nandini rolled her eyes at that pathetic come back. She climbed down and walked towards Daadu's room.

He sat there in his rocking chair looking out of window. A smile was playing on his lips and Nandini loved that sight. She stole a kiss of that fluffy cheek and Daadu smiled brighter.

"My firebrand," He held Nandini's arm which she had wrapped around his neck.

"Aparna aunty is coming?" She asked elated.

"Yes," Daadu replied in content.

"I am happy, Nandu," He finally could share it with person he loved the most.

"Raghav is returning," He added and Nandini smiled.

Aprna meant much more than daughter to him, Nandini knew. Her grandpa had always seen his lost son in her.

"This calls for a celebration," Nandini said dropping another kiss on Daadu's woolly cheek.

"Save the kisses for cadet," Daadu teased and she wrapped her another arm around his neck to settle in his lap tentatively before his knees start to hurt.



Highly Unedited*

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