Chapter 10. The Boy Is Mine.

Start from the beginning

I opened my mouth to speak when Moses came limping into the room holding his side. He was all bandaged up and wore a hospital bracelet on his wrist, when Aaron first told me his crew had turned on him and beat him down I did feel a little bad but I still didn't want him staying with my man.

"Do you need help?" Aaron questioned dryly as I placed my leg across his lap for support. Moses smiled to himself as he shook his head and continued to limp as he went towards the kitchen.

"How long is he staying with us?" Saint questioned. Aaron shrugged as he reached into the pop tart box and grabbed a blueberry one out.

"He can't go home and he has to hide out for right now. He's going to go and see Angelo tomorrow though and hopefully I can get my bed back tonight" Aaron said biting into one of his pop tarts.

"He can't stay at a hotel? Everyone acts like since I rob drug dealers I'm gonna get you caught up but how come he can stay here when people are after him? Isn't he putting a target on your back too?" I questioned curiously.

"No that's true. But I'd be willing to help you out if you needed it, nobody is gonna come over here though" Aaron said with a sigh.

Saint looked back and forth between us as he hogged the bong. I motioned with my hand for him to pass it and he smacked his teeth and pushed it across the table.

"You don't think Moses is plotting to get you back Ron? It's like the nigga suddenly forgot how to wear a shirt around you" Saint pointed out.

"That's irrelevant to me. I don't want him he's the old thing and I'm onto the new one" Aaron smiled as he leaned over and kissed my lips placing his hand under my chin as he deepened the kiss.

"Get a fucking room" Saint mumbled as he grabbed a pop tart and laid back on the couch as we pulled apart.

"I don't see a lot of niggas willing to hang with two gay dudes. Most of the straight niggas I know don't even assume I'm gay. We don't bother you?" I questioned Saint.

"Nah, I guess I'm just comfortable with who I am. Seeing two guys kiss isn't a threat to my masculinity because I know I only like women and don't see men in that way" he said simply.

Moses came back around the corner with a bag of chips. He glanced over at Aaron and then at my leg that laid across his lap.

He ended up tripping and nearly fell to the ground but caught himself as his knee hit the ground. It was awkward seeing him like this, I almost felt bad until I remembered he threatened to steal Aaron away from me.

"Just say you need help!" Aaron snapped as he moved my leg off of him and raised back up from the couch.

"I'm good, I'll be gone today anyway" Moses mumbled as he pushed Aaron away from him roughly.

"I said you didn't have to go I just want my bed back. You can sleep in the guest room since you're a lil better and I don't have to check on you much during the night, right Saint?" Aaron questioned.

"Yeah I don't care" Saint mumbled. Aaron tried to help Moses up again but he declined being able to pull himself up and we all watched him struggle to walk away.

Aaron was silent for a moment and I almost thought he'd go after him but he shrugged and threw his hands up as he walked back over and sat next to me.

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