Chapter 5

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Lara scrambled up the edge in an effort to get away from the creatures that were chasing her. She attempted to get rid of a few, but each time she shot one down, they'd just get back up, and now she was fresh out of ammo.

She had contacted Nate a while back, so she was expecting him to show up soon. Well, she was more hoping he'd show up at this stage. He was the only one with maybe enough firepower to kill these things, but if he didn't, they needed a back-up escape route.

Pulling herself up onto a ledge, Lara took a breath. Sweat beaded from her forehead as she stared down at the monsters. They looked like zombies, but Lara knew they weren't. They were smart, and had reformed themselves from skeletons around her feet. Lara didn't want to think it was witchcraft, but there really was no other way to explain it. They were very clearly dead before they started chasing her.

She was pulled from her thoughts as one jumped up to her. Lara lurched back, kicking the creature off. It screeched, landing with a thump back below her. Lara cautiously looked over the edge to see the others helping it back up. Then they all stared at her with fury in their eyes. Lara was really confused now. They were smart?

A loud gunshot echoed suddenly through the room. Lara looked up, seeing Nathen at a doorway in the wall. He looked tired, and confused as he stared at the creatures. He let off two more shots, 'killing' one, and then another. As more began to collapse, the last few began to retreat, crawling back down the holes they had come from. Lara slid down from the ledge, "Jesus,"

Nate chuckled lightly, more out of relief than anything. He holstered his gun before going to one of the bodies and prodding them with a stick. It looked, and smelt, dead. Lara kept her distance however.

"Look at these things. They look like mutant zombies," he joked, pushing himself off the ground and walking towards the brit, "You okay?"

"Just dandy," she replied, eyeing the body by her feet, "Please tell me you found a way out,"

Nate smiled, turning and pointing back from where he entered, "Yeah, a boat. Just a few soldiers are guarding it. I don't know though, I'm kinda comfy." Lara huffed at that statement, rolling her eyes as she picked a few arrows from one of the bodies. Nate started towards the exit, turning his back. Lara eyed the body he passed, her eyes narrowing.

Something wasn't right. Why wasn't this one getting up?

Lara slowly strung an arrow, watching the body as she drew nearer. Suddenly, the white creature jumped from the ground and onto Nate's back. He yelped in shock as the creature kicked his weapon from him in the struggle. Lara felt her heart race.

"Nate!" She roared, shooting the arrow into the creature's neck. It didn't even acknowledge it. Picking her ice axe of her leg, she ran towards the body, jumping up and hooking the axe into it's head. The body reared up, giving Nate enough time to scramble out and reach his gun. He shot twice, but the ape-like thing still didn't stop. Lara yelped as she was thrown head first off it's back. She landed with a thump on her shoulder.

Nate quickly helped her up, "Follow me!"

Nate took Lara by the hand and pulled her along with him. He led her back through the path he had memorized towards the boat, trying his best to ignore the earth-shattering roars from the creatures behind them. He could hear them crawling after them. He heard Lara yell at him to hurry up, to which he quickens in response.

He skidded around a corner, daylight finally cracking through the caverns. Lara sighed in relief, as did Nate as they caught sight of the boat. Nate gripped his gun as the guards appeared, "Cover me!"

Lara nodded as she removed her bow from her back and took aim at the creatures, only to find they hadn't stepped into the light. They snarled to get them, but remained in the shadows, their eyes piercing through her. It was like they were reading your soul. A bullet whizzing by her head snapped her back to reality.

She quipped around, letting the arrow she had in her hand whiz back to the source of the bullet. She smiled in satisfaction as she watched the arrow pierce through one of the men's chest, killing him. Nate looked around quickly, before vaulting over the box he was taking shelter behind and bolting towards the boat. Lara followed swiftly, placing the bow back onto her back. Nate leaped onto the boat, wobbling slightly as the boat jerked. Lara jumped in quickly after, tripping and falling on her side.

Nate quickly pulled the string on the motor, which let off a successful hum as they sped away. Nate chuckled tiredly, wiping the sweat that had accumulated on his face. Lara laughed as well, resting an arm against her eyes, letting the darkness take over. Nate watched as the Island got smaller.

After about five minutes, Lara took out her worn leather journal, flipping to the newest entry. She hadn't gotten time to figure out what it meant before. Nate watched her curiously.

"Hey, uh, remember when I cut you off on the walkie-talkie?" Nate asked, plucking out the scrap of paper that was inside the skeletons folder. Lara looked up to him.

"Mhm," she nodded, "I was going to ask you what this meant." Lara held out the journal towards the American, who took it into his hand and read the passage. His eyes went wide as he finished it, before reading it again more carefully. Lara sat in wait, watching him. Nate placed the journal entry from the folder beside it, and read them both, before audibly gulping. Lara's amusement quickly turned to worry at his face.

"We need to go back," Nate said quietly, looking up to the British woman. Lara felt her jaw drop, anger beginning to pop within her. She shook her head.

"We just escaped! And by pure luck! Why in the name of God would we go back?!" she responded, clearly annoyed. Nate handed over the leather journal and the scrap of paper, telling her to read them. She did as she was told, her eyes scanning the pages. Nate watched as her anger turned to a mild tone of worry and confusement.

"Lzarovich would become invincible..." Lara mumbled. Nate nodded his head, leaning against the side of the boat.

"Yeah, but what does 'light will turn to darkness' mean?" he asked, looking back to the British woman. Lara seemed to stiffen, her eyes widening.

"Those creatures would get onto land," Lara explained, pushing herself off the ground of the boat and looking to Nate, "So, what do we do?"

"If it could actually change Lzarovich...If it made him invincible and I didn't try to stop it," he started, placing his hand on the turning gear. Lara quickly agreed, catching on to where he was heading.

"We've got to find it first,"

With a stern nod, Drake changed the direction of the boat, and they were heading back from which they came.

(Update: Entered into the Watty's)

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