The River

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Ambiguous loss,
Where thou art here,
yet not really present.
Where thy body, posture, being
is alive and swell,
but the mind of thine is deceased.

Time and space,
where hope was lost; sempiternally,
Yet then come a day, ambiguity.

Sweet sparkling waters of the riverbank,
flow rushing in,
and they embark upon thy saving.

Water flows, the sun strokes,
Here a seed, there a lily.

Where I failed, and bowed down to another,
Where mine eyes and caressing showed none,
the majesty's flow enriched thy soils,
enhanced the skin of thine.

Thou became thee.
Yet I remained "me"

The mighty river flew,
over land and over sea;
no matter what, it got there.
Where my failure appeared,
It's success conquered terra.

and maybe even saved thee.


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