Good Luck

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Hyung Suk felt guilty as he stared at his front door. His mother was probably sitting in there, waiting for him. He had failed her again, he can't say his grades were exactly great...he was near the bottom. He knew she wanted a better future for him, but all what he seemed to do was get into trouble with the local gangs and bullies.

Breathing in, he opened the door. His mother was sitting there like he knew she was going to. He bowed his head. She sighed loudly, "Hyung Suk, my dear son." She patted the spot next to her, he walked to her and flopped down. She lifted his chin up and smiled at him. "Don't bow your head, please tell me your side of the story."

Hyung Suk ran his hand through his shoulder length hair, he should cut it soon. It was getting too long, he will have to do it later . He looked at his mother who was looking at him patiently. She didn't deserve this, she should have a son who was good, great and intelligent. "They were betting who could hit this one kid with a soccer ball in the face. People just watched as they pelted the kid with soccer balls, I didn't know it was going on until I heard a kid nearby telling his friends what was going on at the field."

He paused for a moment, calming himself as he remembered the way people just watched, not doing a damn thing to help the kid. Not even trying to help the poor kid. "I tried to tell them to knock it off, I remember someone offering me to join and I denied. The next thing I knew, we were arguing and then fighting. I was able to beat up three of them easily, the leader fled the scene. And I was fighting an idiot with a big nose. The teachers showed up and I barely had a mark on me, so I got the blame. No one spoke up as they took me to the office. You know the rest."

They sat in silence, Hyung Suk wouldn't look at his mother. She touched his shoulder, he forced himself to look at her. "There is this school, Jae Won. They are willing to take you, son. But you have to move." He stared at her shocked. "You need to study to get a good job in the future."

He shook his head as he replayed what she said and noticed how she had said you, not we. "Are you not coming? Mom, I can't force you to work so hard. Why don't you come with me?"

She smiled warmly, instantly looking younger. "My job is here, you know that. Don't worry, big boy. Just trust mom, alright?" He closed his eyes, his shoulders shaking. "Oh big boy, it will be okay." She hugged him tightly, he hugged back tighter.

"Mom! I am sorry!" He said wobbly, some part of him felt embarrassed, but this was his mother. The mother who worked hard every day for him. It was okay to cry in front of her, it's just...embarrassing. He was sixteen, almost seventeen and he beat up almost every bully in his 'area'.

"Hush, it's alright, just trust me, okay?" He hugged her tighter, most likely painfully too. "Just focus on studying."


Hyung Suk had a hood on as he stood at the bus station. He looked at his mother who was smiling. He was sorry that he was always getting in a fight. Sorry that he had low grades, that trouble always followed him. That she had to work so hard to support him. He smiled back as best as he could.

"Mom, it's all alright, I can clean too, you know?" He said jokingly, she laughed a bit. He smiled a bit more real and less force.

"I know, I know. I am proud that my son knows how to keep care of himself and his house too." She said as she hugged him for what seemed like the twentieth time in the last hour. "Remember to-!"

He laughed a bit, "yes, yes. To eat well and study hard. Take care of myself and try to make friends. You told me like a million times already." He rolled his eyes, she laughed again.

"Son, if you aren't sure, I can go with you." He shook his head, he was glad he made sure they came early. Not that he was nervous or anything, he wasn't nervous....okay, only a bit that's it.

"I am sure, I can do this. I don't want to trouble you more, you have already done so much for me." She nodded, he beamed at her. "I better go now, they are calling for my bus."

"I believe in you, I just didn't think I would be sending you off, so soon." She said as tears filled her eyes.

He hugged her quickly, saying a small thanks that held so many emotions. Before he started to jog away, waving behind him at her. She waved back, watching her pride and joy leave for his journey of growing up. "Good luck." She whispered to herself as he stepped into his bus.


A/N: My first Lookism fic, hooray! (Unless it's sucks, then crap.) Most likely going to be Hyung SukxJae Yeol, definitely Jin SungxMi Jin, they are so cute together. To be honest, I don't know how to feel about this. Mini-Hyung Suk doesn't exist and I am going to change most likely a lot of things, but hey, it's fanfiction. Until next time, hope you liked it! Review or something!

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