Chapter 4

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~~~~~~2 MONTHS LATER~~~~~~
I just got home from a date with a guy named Chad, he's from my school. We went to the movies and watched Guardians of the Galaxy volume 2
. He held my hand. But when he tried to kiss me I told him no because I wasn't ready yet. But besides all of that, it was pretty fun.
I just got home from the movies and I went with Brittany Smith. She has been my crush since 5th grade and we are going into 10th grade now. I'm so happy that she said yes, but she didn't want to kiss me. It's probably because of she is still getting over her break up with Kyle Cooper.
I just heard that Brittany and Chad Taylor went to the movies tonight... It really hurts me that she has moved on. I wish that she at least would've told me, she didn't have to keep it a secret.
Brittany: Hello?
Kyle: Hey, Britt it's me Kyle.
Brittany: Oh god... you heard didn't you?
Kyle: Yeah. Why didn't you tell me? You didn't have to keep it a secret from me. And I thought you still loved me? You said that when I did that announcement at school, remember?
Brittany: Yes I do remember and I still do love you, but I need to get out of the house. And I didn't keep it a secret, I don't have to tell you anyways. In fact, I didn't even tell anyone so I don't get how you know.
Kyle: Chad told me. He bragged about it. He said you guys almost kissed and I was about to bug on him. And if you remember then why would you do this?
Brittany: I didn't let him kiss me because I'm still getting over our break up. I'm just not ready to kiss anyone yet. Also, the reason why I did this is because I didn't wanna hurt him, even though I'm not ready yet. And he told you? Oh my god watch tomorrow when I bug on him.
Kyle: Don't bug out on him.
Brittany: I will because he has no right to tell everyone.
Kyle: He only told me.
Brittany: Oh... well I gotta go because it's almost midnight and we have school tomorrow.
Kyle: Okay. Goodnight, I love you.
Brittany: Love you too.
I just talked to my ex and I told him I loved him. I miss him so much it really fucking hurts me. I can't stop crying I don't wanna go to school tomorrow it kills me.

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