ep 10

1K 11 1

The sounds of the sirens were too close for comfort, and my gut told me to go.

I ran down the corridors and flights of stairs of the building till i reached the front.

My eyes squinted at the bright lights of blue and red. An uneasy feeling took over my stomach and my heart stopped beating as i saw the scene.

A covered body in front of a damaged car, caution tape surrounding the perimeter and the nonstop flashing of cameras and sounds of reporters.

I immediately ran past the people in my way. Things around me started to blur as tears swelled up in my eyes.

"Officer w-whats going on?" I barely managed to speak.

I noticed him glance down at my BigHit id tag around my neck before proceeding.

"You work here mam?" he asked

"Y-yes" He nodded and lifted the caution tape to let me enter the scene.

"Do you know this victim mam?" he slowly lifted the tarp that covered the deceased body.

I wasn't prepared for what may be under this sheet. My heart was thumping due to the suspense.

As he uncovered the body my mind cleared, i fell to the floor, and entered a state of shock.

😱😱😱 who ???

___________________________😱😱😱 who ???

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im sry for this unfortunate plot 😰

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