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in daegu apparently, similar to busan, high school parties were popular too.

jimin decided to go to one, but he was kind of coaxed by hoseok.

"you should get to know people, jimin! knowing just me and tour other people is quite boring," hoseok told him, and jimin rolled his eyes.

they were currently on a phone call while jimin got ready for the party.

"youre only putting yourself down," jimin says over the phone.

"no, not really. I'm just saying theres way more people like me and you should totally meet them," hoseok explains, and jimin sighs.

"yea. its been pretty boring only knowing five people and being ignored by everyone else," jimin says, finally settling on an outfit.

(idk man just imagine jimin like this throughout this fanfic)

(idk man just imagine jimin like this throughout this fanfic)

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"exactly! so just stop being a baby about it!" hoseok says, and jimin scoffs.

"I wasnt being a baby about it!" he says, and he can tell hoseok probably rolled his eyes.

"whatever. you better be ready in ten minutes or else im leaving without you," hoseok says, and then he disconnects the call.

jimin finishes putting on his clothes, wandering over to his bathroom and debating on if he should put makeup on or not.

it was his first party at a new school, he probably should.

but he could never be too sure.

he walked over to his door, pulling it open a little.

"mom, should I wear make up?" he yells, hoping his mom could hear him from wherever she was in the house.

"do what you want sweetie, its your life!" she responds, and jimin groans.

"not helpful!" he says, closing his door and walking back over to his bathroom.

well if he was going to do it, he would have to do it quick.

so he did.

(the final outcome for imagery)

(the final outcome for imagery)

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it wasn't much, just simple dark eye makeup focused around his lash and waterline, but it made a difference.

once he was satisfied, it was the right moment in time when hoseok rang the doorbell.

jimin made sure everything was in place before leaving his room, running down the stairs and to the front door.

"BYE MOM!" he says before leaving, following hoseok to his car. he wasnt the only one, with him was jungkook, jae, and jisoo.

he sat next to jungkook this time; jae sat in the passengers seat.

"what happened to chungha?" jimin asks, and jae snorts.

"shes in the trunk," hoseok responds, and jimin rolls his eyes.

"seriously, wheres chungha," jimin asks.

"in the trunk! jungkook, lift the thing," hoseok orders, and the youngest of the five does so.

he lifts up a platform behind the back seats, revealing chungha who was curled in a ball on her phone. she waves at jimin.

"why... is she covered?" jimin asks.

"she wouldn't shut up about some actor named thomas so we shut her up," jungkook says, and jimin just blinks.

"okay then," he says, turning in his seat and facing the front.

the drive to the party wasnt far. it was held lee chaerins house.

she was so popular, according to hoseok, and the people jimin had associated with said she was different than everyone else who was popular.

she wasnt a whore.

she was just so nice and cool and eventually people started liking her.

but hosoek was popular, which confused jimin.

"wait, so does that mean youre a fuckboy, hoseok?" jimin had asked at one point. everyone in the car laughed.

"of course i am," he said nothing else after that. jimin just left it alone.

jungkook wasnt popular. he was friends with a few popular peolle but he wanted to keep it on the down low.

jae was a fuckboy too, and chungha and jisoo were also "sluts." its almost like if you said someone was popular, besides chaerin, you immediately knew they fucked a lot of people.

hopefully jimin could get popular without fucking a bunch of people.


y'all ready for spicy party action man

idk if I should make jimin learn abt yoongi in the next chapter or the next party??

also im nearly at 1k reads n 200 votes how wild

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